- and I’ve seen others - make the searching easy. It’s odd to me that I rely so much on web based tools (like!) to look up nixpkgs details for my commandline but eh.
For a flake, you’d specify an input of that specific revision of nixpkgs and then refer to your CMake dependency with respect to that input. You may end up with - by design - a lot of duplicated dependencies, but it’d work.
Cheap clones of the DE-10 Nano ($99 target) are allegedly on the way along with new boards that make different tradeoffs with the pins. Should be interesting - there’s a lot of life left (PSX/N64/Saturn are all very recently added) imo but the price and availability issues are unfortunate.
The MisTER family was always a bit expensive for the benefit it provides compared to software emulators. It is a tool for extreme fidelity, the kind of which you want when you are driving original hardware, but that’s a need few people have.
IIRC, the platform was built off development/evaluation boards that was primarily targeted towards the education market, anyway, where bells and whistles are a priority.
It looks like the platform here is a low-frills one from a company that isn't Altera, Xilinx, or Lattice. Good! I'm glad there's some competition.
Having been down this path - asdf didn’t go far enough in creating reproducible/sealed environments, the quality of the plugins per language varied dramatically, shims made a lot of assumptions about how tools will be used, and you can expect to throw asdf away the moment you need to deploy and then have to build something else.
I don’t like Nix but I haven’t found anything else that scales along those critical requirements. I don’t think it’s a good idea to simply replace rbenv/nvm/etc with asdf-ruby-plugin and so on - unless your software isn’t intended to leave your development machine?
(Docker for me fails in the opposite direction - fairly miserable to develop with but trivial to deploy.)
People complain a lot about NPM, but I find it solves all these problems reasonably nicely. It's pretty easy to use in development and it's easy to deploy (either using node_modules in production, or bundling, both approaches work).
Of course it only works if your codebase and tools are all JS-based!
Having worked recently on a project that was mostly TypeScript with some Python, the TS bits were mostly straightforward but the Python was a hassle in both dev and production (I used venv). I can see that asdf might have been handy for development but if it didn't have a good deployment workflow that wouldn't have helped.
Every language has a tool like NPM (actually, nvm in the context of this discussion) these days. The problems tools like Nix solves (and arguably, Asdf) is that instead of learning each language's tools you only need to learn one tool that manages multiple languages and system dependencies.
> I don’t think it’s a good idea to simply replace rbenv/nvm/etc with asdf-ruby-plugin and so on
ASDF generally doesn't reinvent version management, but wrap and re-use ruby-build, node-build etc.
It fails if your single project is a legacy monster needing four versions of node, two pythons and a handful of javas - but that's not a common use case.
More commonly you have multiple projects, each with a single version of node, python and java. For deployment you only need one of each - it's in development you need five of each when switching between projects.
There’s some really annoying edge cases I’ve found once Xcode gets involved and graphical apps are a bit hit and miss (Wireshark failed pretty completely for me a few weeks back.) I’d still call it a major improvement over the alternatives.
Re: onboarding - I’m doing the same thing at a somewhat larger scale. Same username on twitter if you want to start a support group. :)
That’s every solution, honestly - you’re just choosing what % of users will need help, and frankly asdf has a lot of edges. Nix’s self-contained declarative stuff is a pain to learn, certainly, when used to brew install $whatever - but it’s far easier to support.
Also it plays really nicely on macOS unless you’re trying to share nix config across macOS and Linux which…just fork and move on, it’s not worth it. :)
In my experience, nix-darwin and home manager are a little awkward to install together (you’ll want both) and central management is…tricky. All of these being large company problems, mind - I can’t rely on the median user googling to fix issues, they expect (reasonably) an actively supported platform.
I’ve also had issues with GUIs and Xcode as noted in other comments but I don’t mind that - those are much more of a solved problem than, say, keeping seven different JDKs around.
I'm considering doing a pilot (~5 devs out of 120) with using nix to manage dependencies and build containers at $DAYJOB, and here I think devenv is nice as a "one package" plus an active community for support.
95% of the difficulty I have at $DAYJOB is nix installation and dealing with enterprise certificate/auth crud…sadly devenv doesn’t help much there.
Our pilot is quite a bit larger. Sticking to plainer flakes has made it easier for folks to self-service for now but we do intend to re-evaluate devenv.
Same username on twitter if you’re interested in chatting.
So something in the realm of Proxmox or PVC or xcp-ng?
I would agree that the three things I can list here are a hard sell compared to any integrated cloud provider - they all focus on VMs and the rest is up to you, or so my experience has gone so far. Looking forward to trying this out!
For a flake, you’d specify an input of that specific revision of nixpkgs and then refer to your CMake dependency with respect to that input. You may end up with - by design - a lot of duplicated dependencies, but it’d work. is a nice writeup (not mine) with examples of a few different ways to do this in flakes and not-flakes.