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"Kafkaesque" suggests people standing in very long queues. It doesn't seem unreasonable as a name for very long queue software.

It's possible to host a web app letting you view old Slack messages from an export, e.g. https://github.com/hfaran/slack-export-viewer or https://github.com/srid/Taut . I wonder if that can help in these use cases.

I get out of sorts when other cyclists break the law. How can we cyclists ask drivers to obey the law, to protect us, if we won't even do it ourselves?

I'm right handed but I use my left hand to mouse for RSI reasons.

I learned to knit. It helps keep me from getting distracted during video meetings. (I apparently need to fiddle with my hands a lot, and a fidget spinner or doodling doesn't cut it.) I got a lot of help from my wife, but learning it was pretty straightforward.

If you do the take-home problem, do you get to skip the interview? My understanding was that it might, at most, replace a 1-hour whiteboarding interview. The one time I did a take-home problem for an interview, I spent a whole weekend day on it (which felt hard, given that I was making my wife watch our child all day), and then I still had to spend a whole day on in-person interviews.

And then they didn't even ask me any questions about my take-home solution--it was just ignored. It felt like a pure waste. I'd much rather do whiteboarding.

The homework was maybe a capcha to waste your time to show your are acctually applying.

This reminds me so much of Vernor Vinge's story "Fast Times at Fairmont High". It's set in the near future, and one plot point is that high school tests cover this skill--to read through the manuals quickly and get things done with new tools. I recommend it, and the related book "Rainbows End".

I think they can easily hedge prices (via futures), but hedging production is much harder (because your weather & production might be different from others around, and with insurance the incentives can get bad; see moral hazard).

I worked for a company that tried to insure farmers so they'd be profitable even in bad years, but the reduction in profit on good years (i.e. cost of insurance) was too much to sell well.

When I read it, I see that the "The data subject shall have the right to ... erasure of personal data ... where one of the following grounds applies: ... the data subject withdraws consent...."

I imagine that HTTP logs associating URLs and IPs are personal data because they associate users with activity, so they would have to be removed.

It's pretty hard to destroy individual log lines (they're often aggregated in zipped files, for instance), and logs show up in lots of places: your load balancer may log, your web server may log, your application may log, those logs may be backed up to tape, you might have debug logs captured for analysis from any of these systems, and those debug logs might be present on developer machines, not on servers or long-term storage.

That basically means that if any user asks to have their data erased, you have to figure out whether they owned that IP address at that time (so they can't ask for others' information to be removed), then delete all those logs, potentially rewriting your whole tape archive(!), potentially having developers destroy the debugging info they were using to track down a memory leak or whatever (on laptops, or in the ticketing system, or in heap dumps, or wherever it might be).

It's pretty easy to say "don't keep logs of IP addresses", but that's one of the major ways people detect malicious traffic, e.g. spam, denial-of-service attacks, and break-in attempts. It's hard to live without that.

Am I reading something wrong? Is there something I missed in that section that makes it easier?

Is "so we can look for malicious traffic" enough of a legal ground for processing to keep personal information around indefinitely even if the user asked for it to be removed? I can't imagine that's so, as that would be a pretty big loophole.

> the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based according to point (a) of Article 6(1), or point (a) of Article 9(2), and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;

There are several justifications for procesing user data. One of them is consent. But there are others. One is "legitimate need". You're not using user consent to process this log data, you're using a legitimate need justification.


> processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

Legitimate interest doesn't let you gather everything and keep it forever, but standard practice log rotation seems like it's compliant.

The proper way to deal with this is to rotate out the logs after a finite amount of time (you are doing that anyway, right?) and then to delete the logs after yet another period of time, once they have outlived their useful life. That's good practice anyway so I really don't see the problem.

Looking for malicious traffic is not a loophole that allows you to keep data indefinitely - even if nobody asks you to remove it - you don't need to keep it indefinitely.

No. I have fast cellular internet but pay $10/GB, and I consider that a pretty good deal (total for me + wife is $45/mo, including cellular and data; in Portland, OR). Your 4G internet is cheaper than most people's wired internet here in the US.

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