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But why?

As they said of Engelbart.

Not only the demo has its technical worth: that "synth" can sound amazingly.

Where can I clone the youtube-dl repo, err.. for educational purposes?

So basically have Twitter expand its character limit and ask everyone to replace their emails with Twitter? How cool is that? :)

Quora and Reddit would serve essentially the same purpose for readers.

That fact that it's email makes it more likely for an accidental leak of personal information.

I'd replace the whole thing with Slack :)

I bridge SMS to matrix, I currently have no use for slack, but if I were forced to use it I would bridge that to matrix as well.

Of course the matrix IRC bridges are also quite good. I'm in a couple of bridged IRC rooms.

What do you use to bridge sms to matrix? I've seen a couple projects people were working on, but some were very hacky, and the rest were lacking features.

I use the one by tijder: https://github.com/tijder/SmsMatrix

It works well enough for me, though I don't use SMS too often though.

What I did like is that I can add another account to a room such that I can monitor texts from both matrix accounts.

And I'd replace Slack with this thing. To each their own :).

Can you impersonate Slack users the same way you can with IRC, to give each incoming SMS’s author its own user account?

Why does "his.app" cost $499.99 for pre-registration, but "her.app" only costs $249.99? :)

Is this some built-in gender bias?

I am new to domain trading. I have one question - Would I be sued (i.e is it legal?) if I buy some .app domains related to some popular apps of my country and list their google play store and apple store link with some ads on those domains?

I don't know if it's illegal, but unless you have a trademark on those names, you're almost certain to lose them.

It's a bidding war. Someone already bid 249.99 for "his.app". Next step up is 499.99. If you buy her.app for 249.99, then both will cost 499.99.


"Yup, that's why I was late to work this morning." :)

He who controls the nukes, controls California's destiny.

If somebody is stealing your car do you shoot out the tires with a rocket launcher to stop him? That's what nuking California would amount to.

Launching nukes would be suicidally stupid for a number of reasons. Firstly, we're upwind of the rest of the US and radioactive fallout would be transported to adjacent states. We didn't realize it when we were performing original tests in Nevada, but now we know there was a significant spike in cancers occurring in the people of St. George Utah, for example, as a result of 1950s nuclear tests in Nevada.

A more immediate and practical concern is that California is responsible for a significant proportion of the United States' food supply.

And for non-American readers, those are located in the big, flat central states that California would be seceeding from.

If command authority to launch ICBMs devolves to the states where the missiles are stationed, that will be an indicator that civilization is over. The political fate of California would be a footnote.

Sold a condo in California and bought two investment properties in Texas.

Amazon DNS must be getting loads of new customers today :)

Even though their status page says everything is basically fine -- oh just a blip with API dns this morning no biggie -- they have had major problems today too. Like, can't connect to dynamodb, sqs, kinesis.

Unfortunately they lie through their status page pretty regularly. I am not sure what it would take for them to admit they had a major problem.

Apparently us-east-1 was the only region that exclusively used dyndns (all other regions have failover strategies to other providers and that's why there wasn't downtime anywhere else but us-east and eu-west). They resolved the problem pretty quickly, but it drove our NOC insane...fortunately downtime for us was only about half an hour or so.

Yeah, thats about a half hour of down time for every AWS East based company... who knows how much lost revenue -- and yet they just say the service is green with a little info tag.

If our service is down for any customer (much less an entire segment of customers) we at least publish that we had a partial outage.

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