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This is true when you can reference the commit to an issue. Then, seeing the simple commit message you can select if you want to dig up what happened by reading up the comments at the issue.

On the other hand it really gets into my nerves when people don't use the task/issue/whatever manager system appropriately. Recently, I lost a couple of days trying to figure out how to compile a c++ framework because the other guy didn't document his pipeline. In general I'm really disappointed by the majority of my colleagues for the lack of comments inside and outside of our codebase and this is a persistent issue, at all the companies I worked for. Me along with other similarly irritated people, always ask for documentation if it is not given.

> Recently, I lost a couple of days trying to figure out how to compile a c++ framework because the other guy didn't document his pipeline

Some people do it for job safety. The logic is if you don't document things and the knowledge is only in your head then you are more valuable, they can't get rid of you easily. If you document everything meticulously, then you are easier to replace.

> Some people do it for job safety. The logic is ...

Has anyone actually seen this logic work out well for the person that invokes it? Generally the type of person that uses it is one that you probably don't want on your team.

I have!

Company promoted the guy and raised his salary because he had plan to leave the company

I know in instances like that, though, my next step would be to start working on contingency plans, as if someone has proven themselves to be indispensable, then that very fact is a risk that needs to be managed.

Like having a new guy learn the material, taught by the old guy who doesn't want anyone else knowing it!

> Recently, I lost a couple of days trying to figure out how to compile a c++ framework because the other guy didn't document his pipeline.

This is assuming documenting the pipeline would have been helping! You may have spent a few days instead figuring out why your seemingly identical setup couldn't reproduce the build...

Not that I'm bitter about build systems or anything.

Talented coworkers dont need documentation very often... If someone cant figure out how to compile something, its likely they are missing knowledge about the language in general...

The robot vacuums cleaner technology seems to finally be useful enough, although it still has improvements to make. I've just recently acquired a $400 RoboRock s50. Comparing its features with the $900 Roomba, I can say it's worth it. The s50 tries to mop the floor albeit just with water. It is very good with carpets though. I ordered it from China and I was anxious if I would have to use translation software to understand the manual but thankfully the s50 has the voice commands, manual and the mobile app translated into English. The scheduled cleaning is really worth it. Make sure to keep away cables and curtains that reach the floor. Once, the wind got the curtain around the cleaner and the sensor detected obstacles everywhere and stopped. The app notified me that I need to remove obstacles which I did promptly and continued to clean until it finished. I am not really sure what's stopping Roborock to make the maps permanent like the Roomba.

The English version of the RoboRock marketing is quite amusing: https://www.gearbest.com/robot-vacuum/pp_954639.html

> Super cleaning like a tornado. Nothing is left after a tornado, you can walk on the floor with bare feet

> Easy to climb 2cm of Obstacle. Nothing can stop the robot's steps

> With a strong power, the robot absorbs all the debris, steel beads, soybeans, dust, millet or any other wastes all in a sudden (is that's what typically lying around?)

GearBest suggests that while buying the S50 robot, I should also adds two accessories and save: an Espresso machine and another portable Espresso machine.

That makes perfect sense. While s50 is cleaning you have time for coffee.

And, I mean, just think about all the spilt beans and grounds. Gonna need a tornado to clean that up.

Also owner of a Roborock S50, can confirm, bang for the buck is much better than with Roombas. My only gripe is indeed that the maps are not persistent. In fact it's even more absurd, they are persistent in the sense that you can see previous maps, they are stored, but it doesn't take them into account to optimize the next cleaning session and, more importantly, you cannot use them for the ever useful zoned cleaning function. Why? It seems that all the components needed are already there, and looks like it should be a trivial software update to enable this.

Anyway, an amazing vacuum and absolutely great for the price.

I also recently bought one and noticed the same, but then I think I understood the reason for not persisting the maps, when the robot found a closed door: after I opened the door, the robot just wouldn't cross it because of the (temporarily) stored temporary obstacle.

Storing a map also means you need to have a very good way to update it.

Also own a s50, most annoying thing for me is that you can't do reverse clean up zones, ie. Tell it where CAN'T clean. Also, Saving zoned cleanups would be a time saver. And rotating of the map for when it misalign them, which it keep doing sometimes even after following their instructions.

This is their answer when I emailed about rotatable map;

"Dear The map takes the environment near the starting point as a reference. If there are some things near the starting point, it will cause the Robot to draw a deformed map. In this case, please move the dock charger to an open area to solve this problem. Please ensure to retain 0.5 m or more in two sides and 1.5 m or more in the front of the dock charger. "

> Please ensure to retain 0.5 m or more in two sides and 1.5 m or more in the front of the dock charger.

I'm struggling to think of any open space that large within my apartment. 3 m² is about 6.5% of my apartment's total area.

Put it next to a door opening, then you only need free space on one side

These are underrated. I have the original Xiaomi and it works great. I sold my $700 Neato botvac connected and paid half for this one. It isn't even the best and can do our whole house with no intervention consistently.

Someone mentioned it in the thread but I can't find who. There is https://openstreetcam.org that I haven't yet used but intend to.

Hey, thanks for sharing your perspective. Father of a daughter here (1y) and expecting one more in a few months. I was always wondering how I could keep doing my Arduino and Raspberry Pi hobby projects while growing up a child but somehow it works, even at a slower pace. Sure I don't have as free time as I had, but I find these rare moments in a week and I take advantage of them. Having a great, even full time, job also helps as I changed my last very stressful one that hogged my time.

They are for a different job and can't really be compared. Phaser is a solely Canvas or WebGL browser games framework and does a really good job at that. If you just want to make browser games pick Phaser.

If on the other hand you want the option to build for desktop or mobile and other platforms try Unity. Why not pick Unity from the start? It supports building in WebGL but you can't really delve in that automatically generated javascript code to fix something in there and even if you tried to do it you would have to do it every time you build your game. You just have to trust that Unity will keep up to date its framework and its build system will optimise it as best as it can.

Also with Unity you trust your art and music to its packaging system. You can change some of the import options, but in the end you depend on its optimisations.

Unfortunately I don't see any graph as to how much more performance was squeezed out of it, and neither any data of the temperature increased, although in comments I can see people providing some answers with their heatsink and fan set ups. I would be curious to see if this has any improvement for applications such as games in RetroPie.

Since older rpi models can run NES games, I guess the rpi3 is more powerful than necessary. And if the game you’re playing is running smoothly, why bother? With the consoles, there are no graphics settings.

Getting all N64 games to run properly is a big win. They don't all run all that stable yet.

Ah, I wasn’t aware that so recent games were available.

The Dolphin Emulator has been posted on HN before it emulates both the GameCube and the Wii. That is the one emulator that impresses me the most... You can play online with other Wii players if you extract some info from your regular Wii, aka make your Wii immortal to a degree by digitizing it...

There is a Wii U emulator kicking around. And a few 3DS emulators -- which is a hoot, given that the 3DS is still a living, supported system getting new retail game releases weekly.

Retropie isn't only about NES. I have a rpi3 and it can handle N64 games too.

There are several emulators available. For example most 2D PSX games work fine. However, most PSP games are unusable due to glitches; N64 games aren't really playable with default settings either.

most likely negative, rpee thermal throttles on stock clock if loaded for more than tens of seconds

OGRE is a rendering engine not a game engine. You still have to add networking, physics, sound and other features like that to create a game.

In C# the first word is "summary" which is massively influenced by the way Visual Studio formats comments. I wonder though if this is an indication that a lot of people write comments.

> CSS autocompletion within HTML

Wasn't expecting this! I wonder if they plan HTML autocompletion within PHP. This would really speed up my work.

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