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> Recently, I lost a couple of days trying to figure out how to compile a c++ framework because the other guy didn't document his pipeline

Some people do it for job safety. The logic is if you don't document things and the knowledge is only in your head then you are more valuable, they can't get rid of you easily. If you document everything meticulously, then you are easier to replace.

> Some people do it for job safety. The logic is ...

Has anyone actually seen this logic work out well for the person that invokes it? Generally the type of person that uses it is one that you probably don't want on your team.

I have!

Company promoted the guy and raised his salary because he had plan to leave the company

I know in instances like that, though, my next step would be to start working on contingency plans, as if someone has proven themselves to be indispensable, then that very fact is a risk that needs to be managed.

Like having a new guy learn the material, taught by the old guy who doesn't want anyone else knowing it!

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