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You sure it's not the suggested check-ins feature? http://thenextweb.com/apps/2015/09/22/swarm-now-lets-you-che...

I too used to think traveling sounded more stressful than it's worth, but going overseas with friends who are veteran globetrotters helped me see the experience through their eyes, and I eventually got infected with the travel bug. Somewhere along the way I figured out how to embrace the discomfort. yrmv of course; there's nothing wrong staying home.

The L, J and M trains also connect Brooklyn and Queens.

Queens and Brooklyn are both enormous and border each other, so that price depends on where you're traveling to/from. e.g. a car from Bushwick, Brooklyn to Ridgewood, Queens might cost you $10. Also, taking the J train from Crescent St (Brooklyn) to Woodhaven Blvd (Queens) would be 5-10 minutes on the train.

Thank you for saying this. I live in Long Island City, Queens and I visit friends in Williamsburg, Brooklyn all the time. It's easy to take the G train and get there within 20 some minutes.

I love how simple this is. Thanks!

Thanks for posting this. In addition to his children's books, E.B White's letters and essays are all wonderful. He was a big contributor to the New Yorker for over 50 years. Reading the thoughts of such a great observer of the world always picks me up when I'm feeling depressed.

I agree with you. His language is magically buoyant.

That's not true. It redirects to https://encrypted.google.com/ and works just fine.

True, sorta.

In my past experiences, if you're on tor (or proxy'd through a known portal), and have Javascript disabled entirely, Google will sometimes (not always) give you an error stating that your IP is a known abuser. If you DO have JS enabled, I have encountered the "Your IP is known to be abusive, so type in this captcha in order to continue" and then it forwards to encrypted.google.com.

I get similiar behaviour with VPNs & Google.

To be fair it's quite likely your IP has been abusive. There aren't that many exit nodes and it doesn't seem unlikely that a lot of Tor users have suspicious or malicious behavior.

Though to the point, the IPs of all exit nodes are publicly available and presented by the Tor project itself.

I never realized that turning on/off noscript had something to do with google blocking me, thanks.

Makes sense -- most bots don't run JS.

Definitely, I guess this means all I need is phantom.js to steal all of google's search results now.

If your guess is that phantom.js is all you need to sidestep a captcha then I believe you might be misinformed.

TOR/SSH Tunnel + startpage.com + Stylish extension + Startpage Google Look = hehe ;)

> This is because you are paying with your personal information, it's just another currency.

That doesn't seem accurate. You are "paying" by allowing yourself to be exposed to advertisements. Your personal information helps target those ads.

> You are "paying" by allowing yourself to be exposed to advertisements

No, many of us are literally paying. You know, with dollars. For (really tiny amounts of) storage space. And other things.

That makes sense. Paying with personal information was the statement that I was responding to. The personal information is worthless without the exposure to advertisements.

We clearly have different views. I believe that a transaction of value (i.e. a payment) is not limited to money, it does include indirect values as well. I.e. if I send my personal data to a advertising corporation - that is a transaction of an indirect value. The direct value of that transaction is of course when receiving money from the one buying the advertisement which is exposed to me. Yet without my personal information, they could possible not have sold it for as much.

I agree that one can pay for something without exchanging money. What I took issue with was your emphasis on paying with personal information, while not mentioning that the personal information was being used in service of the advertisement exposures.

As far as I know, the reason they want my information is to make the actual revenue-generating thing work better. The advertisements would still make Google (far less, but still significant) money without my personal information. My personal information presumably wouldn't generate much significant revenue at all were it not being used in service of advertisements. That's why it seemed odd to me to say that I'm paying with my personal information, and not mention advertising exposures. Perhaps I'm quibbling though!

Anyway, I'm starting to feel like a modern jackass[1]; sorry if this wasn't very clear.

1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=modern%20jack...

The reality of the NYC dating scene might be more complicated, as documented by Jonathan Soma (you can just read the findings if you don't like enabling Java):

"The switchover from extra men to extra women starts at 35-39 for most big East Coast cities, but doesn't hit New York until 40-44"


One thing I've never gotten is that there are more women than men (USA), but men have much higher rates of being unattached. Is this a case of men having multiple partners, or am I misunderstanding the math?

The main reason there are more women is that women live longer. This also means that most of the "extra" women are over 70.

If you break the population down into age groups (e.g. 0-10, 10-20, etc.) most younger groups have more men than women. Combine this with the fact that younger women tend to pair up with older men, and you get more unattached men in the younger groups (but more unattached women in the older groups).

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