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This is what actual power looks like.

> 1: very broadly speaking, to me it could take rest of my life

Perhaps coincidentally the rule of thumb is that it takes about 100 developer-years to go from zero to a viable kernel.

How is this different from “it’s not poor impulse control if you’re a _functional_ alcoholic who can muster enough resources to afford a handle every morning”?

It depends on the motive, if the person is highly motivated to indulge in hedonistic pleasure and alcohol gives him that, well he is achieving his objective. Where as person wants to experience some love/friendship and can't get it and he is using alcohol as a mask you know where to put him.

Absolutely not. Try asking for it to solve something not well covered in the training data (e.g. a relatively performant polyhedral homotopy continuation solver) and it completely falls apart regardless of how much hand holding you give it.

It certainly makes sense at first glance. Have you read the houthis flag?

For anyone who doesn’t want to bother searching Wikipedia [0]:

> The slogan of the Houthi movement (officially called Ansar Allah), a Shia Islamist political and military organization in Yemen, reads "God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam" on a vertical banner of Arabic text. It is often portrayed on a white flag, with the written text in red and green; the pro-Islamic statements are coloured green while the statements about the United States, Israel, and the Jewish people are coloured red.

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movemen...


FYI, the Houthi flag literally says "death to America" on it. They've made their position pretty clear.

And North Korea is actually a Democratic People's Republic.

I wonder if you believe TV commercials honestly reflect their company's views too?

> Not really, no.

Well, perhaps have some basic knowledge of the topic at hand before oversimplifying the matter by simply paraphrasing "cui bono", effectively hinting at heinous Jewish scheming being the crux of the matter.

Let me translate their flag for you, literally:

“Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse be the Jews. Victory to Islam”

This article from Teflon.com is not clickbait, they’re just massively underselling the risk of fluorocarbons to birds. Burning a teflon pan will straight up kill any birds in your home. It’s not a minor irritant like onions, you can’t just crack a window to let the fumes out, if they’re exposed they’ll start having seizures within minutes and be dead before you could get them to a vet (not that there’s really anything that could be done).

Just as a general rule birds are delicate, there’s a lot given up to allow for flight. Teflon is somewhat risky for humans too but it’s not remotely on the same scale.

This really undersells the risk here. If you have birds and don’t want to watch them die in agony just put the PTFE stuff in the bin.

Personal experience corroborates. The last embers of self fade away in a place far too narrow to fit anything but that overwhelming peace.

It's a difficult subject though, the fear of death underpins a significant portion of life (see terror management theory for that idea taken to the extreme). I don't know the value of trying to undermine it at scale.

No. Salmon is fish too.

And if it turns out that no job requires sentience, will your friend still hold this to be a useful metric?

Why does this matter? At that point this metric proves his friend isn't sentient rendering his opinion about it irrelevant.

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