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> Clinton says different things in public than she does to her friends. She also flip flops. This is not trustworthy.

> Trump is unpleasant, but at least he talks straight.

You seem to imply that since Trump "talks straight", he doesn't flip-flop?

If that's what you're implying, it couldn't be more inaccurate; he has sharply contradicted himself countless times, straight-up denying things he's documented as saying (on TV, Twitter, etc.)

> So I don't think interests will ever align to create a new registry.

Possibly not soon, at least from a technical perspective, but I could definitely see a PR fiasco (security, bias, etc.) causing a loss of confidence in its stewardship.

And I don't think it'd be that big of a disruption if it were to happen; for the hypothetical case of Facebook+Yarn, they're already proxying to NPM, so they could easily continue to do so while also accepting packages that are Yarn-only.

It's basically free advertising for them, this account has 0 comments and has submitted 100% from risingstack.com -- 12 posts in 2 months. It's obvious they're just trying to drum up traffic (i.e. business).

> Thanks to the V8, DevTools, and Google Cloud Platform for Node.js teams, you can now use all of DevTools’ powerful debugging features to introspect a Node.js app.

See also:


Will probably have to wait a while until it lands in LTS, but this is awesome!

Disclaimer: I haven't used any of the 3 extensively, but I do play around in them from time-to-time. The main difference to me is that ST comes as a bare-metal editor with the potential to do just about anything, while Atom and VSC come with some built-in features that just make life easier and the ability to extend it further.

A concrete example would be VSC's git support; out-of-the-box, it's a full-featured git client, and even if you prefer the git cli for most operations like I do, VSC automatically reads the .git directory and then creates a tab that shows your current changelist (modified, staged) with a visual diff of the files. Also allows you to easily do the common stuff like checkout a branch, commit, push, etc.

If you're a big fan of ST, you probably won't like the alternatives unless you have some frustrations with ST, because ST is probably more powerful overall, but compared to Atom & VSC, the learning curve is also quite a bit higher.

The git support is a big deal. I loathe SourceTree and the like, but VSC is basically a better `git add -p` for me.

It's funny that the Git support of VSCode is better than that of Atom, since Atom is from GitHub, haha.

Can you provide some more context?

    > JSON.stringify(1)
Stored without a decimal for free, seems like it'd be up to the receiver to interpret it correctly.

What if you receive it in JS?

    > 1
Ok, so it parses an int for free too... thus my confusion.

Regardless, you can still override anything it does considering the second argument to both `JSON.parse()` and `JSON.stringify()` allows you to provide your own function for handling the logic as you see fit.

JSON.stringify(9223372036854775807) "9223372036854776000" JSON.stringify(9007199254740993) "9007199254740992"

JSON doesn't support integers for example on my 64bit system it can't support INT_MAX as a value and anything greater then 9007199254740993 might just come out as wrong.

You haven't demonstrated your premise. JSON is a format for storing data, completely separate from the JavaScript language. Try validating this in a JSON validator: { "number" : 9007199254740993 }

It's absolutely valid JSON. What you're seeing happen is that the JavaScript language parses the Numeric Literal 9007199254740993 to a value of the Number type, and this value does not accurately represent the intended number. This is a feature of JavaScript, not JSON.

You can see the JSON spec here: http://json.org It does not talk about number size or type - simply that a number is a series of digits(and other symbols).

The JSON library for JavaScript has an inherent limitation when parsing JSON formatted numbers, because it tries to represent them as the Number type, and the Number type cannot represent large numbers. It is absolutely possible to write a JSON parsing library that parses JSON numbers into strings(example - http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php with the JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING option). This does not change what kind of numbers JSON supports(any decimal).

Underscore CLI looks interesting as well, though I haven't personally had much of a chance to play with it. It does require NodeJS, which might be a deal-breaker for some, but if it's already in your toolchain then it might come in handy.


I've written a similar tool underscore-cli and jq called jowl. It's designed to be easier to learn (for JavaScript developers) than underscore-cli or jq. The README includes a comparison.

It's still early in its development, and would benefit from a tutorial and a few more features, but it's getting there.


They've also been spamming reddit pretty hard. As a mod of a programming sub, I've had to add their domain to the automod spam list for post spam, and then report a user or two to /r/spam for comment spam (and are now shadowbanned) . Kind of surprised to learn that they were YC.

I believe there are simply 2 submissions:


I really like Spolsky's take on it:

> If it's a core business function -- do it yourself, no matter what.


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