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We offer candidates pay for any code they write for us in "real" projects we use to judge them on. Only fair and square.

We at Lookback use WebRTC to do live streaming research sessions for desktop, iOS, and Android. Works pretty neat, even though you need a SFU (a rebroadcaster) to support heavier load than a few peers watching. So the style of doing P2P for video sort of gets lost anyway ..

Application neutral WebRTC rebroadcasting becomes a commodity this way though, so it should become quite cheap.

The U.S. is very behind many European countries in the work-life balance department. It's kinda surprising that America – with its liberal policies for private companies – is so backwards when it comes to caring about their employees.

The points in the article could apply to policies/norms in Sweden as well. Here, we get at least 4 weeks of paid vacation per year, as well as some insurances and a very generous parental leave (1 year for each parent).

"Liberal policies for private companies" really means that companies have less regulation and red tape, and therefore have a less liberated workforce. One of the points the article makes is that the Swiss government have legal mandates on workplace benefits such as time off and maternity leave, which is the opposite of what some refer to as liberal, at least when talking about businesses as opposed to individuals.

In the US yes not in europe. Liberal means something different in europe

> The points in the article could apply to policies/norms in Sweden as well. Here, we get at least 4 weeks of paid vacation per year

No, mandatory EU minimums enforce at least 5 weeks of vacation.

Yes, but you can carry over one week for up to five years. (I know people that does this and takes 10 weeks vacation in one stretch at year 5).

do you happen to know how 'vacation' is defined? would it include national holidays?

It does not.

Fair. Seems like it isn't 5 but 4 weeks that is mandatory in the EU.

It's 5 + national holidays.

I am not doubting you though when i tried to look it up I found the EU requirement to be 20 days + national holidays (e.g. ireland, italy, Czech Republic,...). How would this be allowed if the EU requires 25 days?


It's a card game where a group of people piece together sentences with cards with phrases and words. One of the funniest "party games" I've played.

Congrats, Gustaf!

I made a Spotify playlist with songs I like coding to a while back: https://open.spotify.com/user/johanbrook/playlist/2mtlhuFVOF.... Seemed to have gained some traction.

The idea of that "good design" is something you "just recognize" is somewhat related to the ideas in the book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", but replaced with "Quality". Really good read.

The official Meteor tutorial on React is pretty neat too: https://www.meteor.com/tutorials/react/creating-an-app

You can, but I think regular Unicode emojis are more portable, since most systems and browsers support them these days. No need for :fallbacks:.

Most design sessions during WWDC last week was pretty much "Apple-stating-the-obvious-for-40-minutes". I don't know what the target audience was.

The D in WWDC doesn't stand for Designers...

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