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Uhm can someone explain to nonUS audience what exactly is this Cards Against Humanity?

A party card game about combining cards with tasteless jokes on them to make larger tasteless jokes.

The company is also known for viral marketing campaigns, like mail-order poo.

They also have a more elaborate social deduction game called Secret Hitler about politics in Weimar Germany. With cartoon lizards.

This game (Secret Hitler) ruined quite of few nights when I was an exchange student: people kept playing it while it was limited to only 10 players IIRC and was an obvious albeit less-fun rip off of the game "Les Loups-garous de Thiercelieux"[1].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Werewolves_of_Millers_Holl...

That sounds like it is itself a ripoff of the game Mafia [1] which is ubiquitous in the US. Unless it came first, I guess.


If Secret Hitler is a ripoff of anything, it's Avalon, which is similar to Mafia/Werewolf, but is much deeper and lacks the issue of player elimination.

I'd say it draws more from The Resistance/Avalon Resistance than Werewolf, since it focuses on voting and scoring points more than killing players and eliminating them from the game.

A card game about combining cards to funny/offensive combinations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cards_Against_Humanity

They make some party card games where you win by coming up with the funniest combination of the cards you are dealt.

As a former member of the non-US audience who don't know what exactly is this Cards Against Humanity, I can confirm it's better to remain under the bliss of ignorance.


It's a card game where a group of people piece together sentences with cards with phrases and words. One of the funniest "party games" I've played.

Aside from what everyone else has said, it's also a shameless knock-off of Apples to Apples, which preceded it. It's basically the same game, but more profane.

I'd call it an "intelligent continuation" rather than shameless knock-off. Apples to Apples targets innuendo for a family setting, CAH is a very adult game.

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