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Could we please stop calling anything with a permissive copyright "open source"?

Shameless plug for my project [0] using treemaps to visualise a git repo

[0] https://github.com/jmforsythe/Git-Heat-Map

I was confused as my project [0] I called it a git heat map, not realising that a similar term was used for other completely different visualisations

[0] https://github.com/jmforsythe/Git-Heat-Map

Unfortunately the commit info is not independent at the moment, and that is mostly due to wanting to track renaming/deletion of files.

The size of the boxes is fairly customisable on the back end, the webpage just needs to be sent the right JSON data, and the only real criteria is that the size of each directory is the sum of the sizes of its children.

What exactly do you mean? The README describes how to run the website, and how to mentions the only dependency.

After cloning, I had to change the perms of the .sh files, install flask via pip and hope for the best. I wasn't sure what Python version to use, I used some 3.x. It would be really nice if this was fully containerized and I could launch in docker/podman.

Also I wasn't sure how to get the colors :shrug:

Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to add instructions for the sh files and the python version. This is still very much a WIP so I'm not going to look into docker just yet.

For the highlighting, currently only a single email pattern input is supported. Type in your pattern into the box at the bottom, then click submit. The pattern gets fed into a LIKE statement in SQLite, so just plaintext, with % representing a wildcard eg torvalds% would highlight files modified by an email starting with torvalds.

Looks great! Thanks for your work on this.

I had the same minor install issue, specifically needed to do the following:

  >chmod +x git-log-format.sh generate-db.sh
  >python -m venv .venv
  >source .venv/bin/activate
  >pip install flask
I'm not sure the colouring is working as expected; I tried submitting with many email addresses I know are in the repo it ran over (with/out the wildcard) and the highlighting behaviour was difficult to predict.

Do you mind sharing what specifically the colouring is doing, and what you expect it to be doing?

i'm not sure why it needs sh to begin with.

At a glance the sh script can be trivially replaced by native python. And it would make it work cross-platform (i.e. on Windows).

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