After cloning, I had to change the perms of the .sh files, install flask via pip and hope for the best. I wasn't sure what Python version to use, I used some 3.x. It would be really nice if this was fully containerized and I could launch in docker/podman.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to add instructions for the sh files and the python version. This is still very much a WIP so I'm not going to look into docker just yet.
For the highlighting, currently only a single email pattern input is supported. Type in your pattern into the box at the bottom, then click submit.
The pattern gets fed into a LIKE statement in SQLite, so just plaintext, with % representing a wildcard eg torvalds% would highlight files modified by an email starting with torvalds.
I'm not sure the colouring is working as expected; I tried submitting with many email addresses I know are in the repo it ran over (with/out the wildcard) and the highlighting behaviour was difficult to predict.