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Games like Kerbal Space Programm and factorio exhibit a lot of the concepts from the original research agenda[^1] because they are "Dynamic Environments-To-Think-In"

[^1]: http://worrydream.com/cdg/ResearchAgenda-v0.19-poster.pdf

This is a pretty good summary of the core concepts: http://www.math.toronto.edu/nhoell/10rules-of-studying.pdf

[citation needed]

Socioeconomic factors are significant factors: http://www.apa.org/pi/ses/resources/publications/violence.as...

As a side note: You seem to agree with your parent poster since you mention “well-educated people” which are most likely richer.

Education is asymmetric. Educated could clearly see the world in the same naive way as uneducated, but the contrary is not true. This constitutes the fundamental difference and incompatibility which is supposed to be eliminated by providing the basic right for receiving an education.

> The media exists so that the narrative can be owned, manipulated

Thats also true for anyone else who is not part of the media.

> All news is fake. It's purely a matter of degrees.

That does not lead to the conclusion that other sources are right.

> That does not lead to the conclusion that other sources are right.

There are no other sources. Information you get isn't divided into "news" and "not-news", even if you divide it that way in your head. An article in a blog is just as much news as an article in the NYT. Or for that matter, one of the NYT blogs...

That's silly. There's plenty of information that's not news. Have you heard of history?

Not at all. It's pretty hard to be objectively truthful. Even if one achieves it the bias filters of the reader will Colour it somehow anyways. In any case truly objective news would be very drab to read indeed.

The illustration looks like a 3x3 convolution too.

Text is, kind of, the only truly portable, multi-platform control/interface/thingy/

Another interesting problem would be the generation of filler pictures (I don't know the correct term). Normally there is a person who draws keyframes at a much lower framerate. Other animators then fill in the frames between to increase the framerate.

That's the problem with animation using bitmaps (or physical artwork): the in-betweens have to be manually drawn. Hence much animation is outsourced to studios - typically in Korea, and occasionally Japan - consisting of armies of animators and artists.

With vector graphics - where the lines and fills are mathematical objects - automatic 'tweening' becomes possible. Anime Studio (http://my.smithmicro.com/anime-studio-2D-animation-software....) is the zenith of this tech; there's also Synfig (http://www.synfig.org/cms/) and CACANi (https://cacani.sg/).

In Anime Studio it's possible to add all kinds of effects (including filter effects and motion blur) to animations, and to mix pure vector animation with cutout, or even frame-by-frame, animation.

There's a lot of work to take advantage of perceptual quirks of human vision that happens in tweens by humans that these algorithms don't account for (at least last I knew).

Sometimes a perfect interpolation, or even something based on a physical model doesn't feel right, isn't what is expected.

I used to play around with just such a tool back in the 80s and 90s called Fantavision


They're called inbetweens or tweens. According to recent HN article, they are outsourced to South Korea. Generating them with algorithm would be interesting, but often incorrect and against artist wishes. For example, objects in motion sometimes needs to be blurred; some characters need to have ghost duplicates; shapes get distorted and exaggerated.

I think at this moment it is not possible to instruct algorithm to take additional suggestions (artist ideas) into consideration when creating output image.

Disney and American TV shows have pretty mechanical approaches to this, and you can usually tell which are the keyframes when the characters seem to settle into a pose before starting a new one. But not everyone draws that way - try and find them in End of Evangelion!


It's called in-between. There is certainly an art form of its own, for a simple mechanical interpolation won't produce visually pleasing animation. Disney has some research on parameterizing in-betweening. These days 2D animation are replaced with 3D and the art of 2D in-betweening might be lost in future. It'll be interesting if DN can learn animation styles from existing footage (e.g. Kanada-style).

will user be able to opt out of tracking? Like Do-Not-Track

Using get() is just bad style and so is returning null where you could return Collections.emptyList().

Previous discussion on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/3pl7o0/java_8s...

tl;dr: use map, orElseGet, orElse

I feel get is acceptable style if you actually want to fail when there is no data to be had.

If you don't have a default value to provide, nor an alternate code path other than "sod this, I'm bailing", get is ok. Not quite as good as using a more specific exception through orElseGet, but not bad, exactly.

Also, if you have just called isPresent (and assume your data to be immutable), then get is ok - the alternative being to manually throw something like new IllegalStateException("the impossible has happened!"), which is not that much more useful, and is a pain to have to write all the time when you know it will not get called.

>Using get() is just bad style and so is returning null where you could return Collections.emptyList().

I agree that you should never return null, but if get() is bad style I think you should send out that memo because I haven't yet seen codebases that agreed.

Why it's bad? If I'm sure that this optional contains value, I don't see why it's bad. May be I checked this value presence few lines above.

If you are certain optional has a value, don't use optional.

Checking presence of value of an optional is an anti-pattern, the same as doing != null checks.

You should treat Optional the same as a List type with size 1. You never check if a list is size 1 before doing map or filter.

I'm not always own code. Simple example:

There is no way this code will return None in this particular case. So any additional checks are unnecessary and make code less readable.

I don't know who said it, and this is probably a paraphrase:

"If it can't happen, it will".

If a function says the result is optional, then it's optional. It's not not optional because you decided it can't ever fail.

Am I the only one who thinks that the margins of the right one are far worse?They almost negate the better structure.

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