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What I like about Lisp's syntax is that the cursor (point) is always in a complete Lisp program. You move up one set of parenthesis, again a complete program. Move up further .... till you reach the top (file-level).

So this gives good opportunity to Editor makers. Compile "this" level, 1-level-up, 2-level-up and so on. In an editor you can always check your program while coding.

Example is Cider package for Emacs for Clojure programming language.

This isn't necessarily true, as various special forms have keywords with special meaning themselves that are enclosed in parentheses.

This is a complete Scheme program:

    [(= 1 0) (error "should be unreachabe")]
    (else    "should always be reached"))
However this:

    (else    "should always be reached")
Is not a Scheme program, unless the binding `else` be defined in the current scope..

It is for this reason that it is misleading to say that lisp languages "have no syntax" - they do have considerable constraints on their structure. It's almost as if there's a third layer between "syntax" and "semantics" - or perhaps the word "syntax" conceals two distinct types of structure.

'syntax' is actually a useful term in this context. But this syntax works on token tree data. The token trees is the code as s-expression data.

The Lisp syntax then is defined for these token trees.

For example the syntax for an argument list in Common Lisp is defined with an EBNF syntax description form:

  lambda-list::= (var* 
                  [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*] 
                  [&rest var] 
                  [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]] 
                  [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])

The XML people came up with the word "schema" for the remaining shape of a datum when the details of recovering the tree itself from the tokens are settled.

Is the second one less of a program than (frobnicate "foo")? Looks about the same to me: a program that crashes unless we (define frobnicate …) first.

Crashes? in most cases simply does not compile because Scheme has static scope; it is thus not a program.

But, we can of course go even further than that:

   (library (main constants (0 0 1))
     (export pi)
     (define pi 3.1415926535)
`(0 0 1)` is not a valid Scheme program, no matter what one define at any point; an integer can never be the operand of an expression.

Understanding what lisp-ers mean by 'repl-driven development' -- and why a python or node repl isn't it -- is really hard for people who don't get this, and haven't used it in practice.

(I use mostly Clojure)

It's not even only about the syntax. The Python environment, as far as I understand (and please correct me if I'm wrong), does not support re-definitions very well. Some things can be re-defined, but some cannot. So that's a problem in itself which makes REPL-driven development not very useful in Python.

Not sure why you'd say that. I redefine things often in Python.

What about classes? Can you re-define those?

Not only can you redefine classes, you can change the class an object belongs to. Just point `obj.__class__` at something else, or change `cls.__bases__` to reorganize the class's inheritance hierarchy.

Yes, easily. Just re-execute the class definition code.

We cannot generalize here. Holi is mostly a north-Indian festival. Kumbh is for all; so there we can say that it affects everyone. But this year very few people traveled.

Also when we say "Medical systems collapsing" then we should be specific. Because there are 700+ districts and there is a different story everywhere.

My father and mother went to the community clinic at a walking distance from my house and there was no queue at all. No wait. Now on 1st of May, it is my and my wife's turn.

And if you use Emacs then Tramp covers it.

Instead of `hathyog pradeepika', I find `patanjali yog darshan' more enlightening. According to Patanlaji, there is more to Yoga than just physical health. He divides the book into various parts. But the main, which the general public relate to, is `saadhana pad'. It starts with

/Atha yoganushasanam/ == अथ योगानुशासनम == let us start yoga with discipline.

This is the first /sootra/ (verse). And every verse builds on the previous. And in the 2nd verse he defines what is yoga.

/Yogashchittavruttinirodhah/ == योगःचित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः == ...

Literal meaning of Yoga is add, sum, to be one with. For believers, it could be - "to be one with God", for spiritual, meditating people - "to be one with supreme consciousness". And as Vivekananda explains to non-believers, you can think of atman as a form of energy... it can never be created nor destroyed... so just oscillate between energy and partical form... and yoga means to be one with the source (energy).

As par India system of yogic tradition, that is the goal of every human being and Patanjali tells us how to achieve that. /Yogashchittavruttinirodhah/ "Yoga means suppressing (/nirodhah/) the fluctuations (/vrutti/) of mind (/chitta/)." Well, I am using close meanings. Patanjali divides our mind into various logical parts.

I find this really fascinating. Must read. But the best book that I have found is in Sanskrit and Hindi.

Would you have a recommendation for a good English language translation for Yog Darshan by Patanjali?

There are lots of english translations of "Patanjali Yoga Sutras" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga_Sutras_of_Patanjali#Trans...)

To see how succinct they are, read Bon Giovanni's translation at https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/yogasutr.htm

If you are new to the subject start with Swami Vivekananda's Raja Yoga which is a very loose but accessible overview.

For a detailed study with notes from various commentaries, see The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali trans. by Edwin Bryant.

The above two should give you a solid foundation after which you can move on to even more exhaustive translations with specific commentaries.


FYI - Nicholas Sutton from the "Oxford Centre for Hinduism Studies" has a new translation specifically aimed at students (based on a course he conducts) named The Yoga Sutras: A New Translation and Study Guide. This might be the best way to start your studies on the Yoga Sutras.

I have read many translations but the could not find anything close to the Hindi translation - "Patanjalya Yog Darshan". This is a short book. And if you want to go deeper then "Paatnjali Yoga pradeep". But even the Hindi language in the latter is pro-level.


My frustration is for the stupid people in the GCC mailing list who think that those individuals are bigger than the ideological cause.

They even started contemplating that GCC should fork away from FSF.

I'm sure you mean "stupid people who believe in equality" so it is hilarious that you think one individual, RMS, is more important than the ideas of copyleft.

The best compliment that you can pay RMS is to say that his ideas were greater than the man, and they they deserve to outlive him.

GCC is already separate from RMS/FSF, effectively from the late 1990s with the EGCS fork, and officially now. I expect they will move further away due to the recent debacle.

I have not named RMS. FSF and the cause is bigger than RMS.

I would like this to put statistically. Out of 40 students in my class (1990s), no one aspired to be an IAS or IPS. There could be two reasons. (1) They didn't want to be corrupt, OR (2) They might be thinking it is beyond their intellectual reach.

Further, I was brought up in a public sector township. All the families were having one Govt job. Still only a few (1 or 2) wanted to join a govt service.

I don't want to generalize anything. Because the sample set is too small. But just want to bring a perspective. If you have seen something like 15 out of 40 wanting to become an IAS officer just to get bribed then please put the figures. This is specifically for @Kamaal.

I have long waited for a Pure GNU OS. Redhat's, oops sorry, IBM's move gives more motivation to use Guix.

Unfortunately Guix also want Stallman out: https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2019/joint-statement-on-the-gnu-pr...

The entire free software community seems to have turned on their own founder - I don't think there's anyone sane left.

It will be stupidest thing to do. But I am not sure what is the source of such a rumor. I had tweeted my concern and someone replied to me with a video of Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman. She is completely denying outright ban.

The video is in this tweet: https://twitter.com/wildwind78/status/1371440962724098051?s=...

Banning is not a solution to anything. And as far as the value is concerned, it will definitely go down initially when legitimate people will pull out. But in the long run, it will rise because of the alternative illegal use of the currency.

Another thought is that there are ~200 countries. Some of them survive only on illegal funds. Will it be possible to ban this thing completely?

During candidate selection, we were desperately looking for something like this. Code sharing is available at many places. But running the code is nice feature. But as @jarofgreen pointed out, how will you stop abuse?

Thank you for your comment. As I mentioned on above comment, I'm considering to add timeout and limit number of running by users.

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