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Indian government is planning outright ban on cryptocurrency (arstechnica.com)
12 points by prawn on March 17, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

These articles are all click-bait, because nothing has been tabled & instead these are just sound-bytes from random politicians, who have zero idea & 100% lobbying from the financial industry to save their fees based economy.

The best solution would be to simply put out a notification stating that crypto should not be used as currency but rather treated like an investment.

You don't see regulation putting a cap on costly artwork(physical/digital) then what difference does buying a PDF/crypto have.

It will be stupidest thing to do. But I am not sure what is the source of such a rumor. I had tweeted my concern and someone replied to me with a video of Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman. She is completely denying outright ban.

The video is in this tweet: https://twitter.com/wildwind78/status/1371440962724098051?s=...

It's not surprising, but, that's just stupid

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