Outside of that, I've been blogging a lot more (https://www.jacky.wtf/essays/ - August looks so full, ha) and now I'm writing about things I'm reading too (https://www.jacky.wtf/links/). Been doing this to try to ween off social media and rely on places like this to share stuff.
Hey! Yes - well I found your blog to be gorgeous and I think it sets a standard for the Indieweb (which is generally very practical.) Which - I like that you don't sacrifice practicality for appearance. The layout of the metadata on your posts is sterling.
Realistically, I blame the father for being so hopeful in people. Living in the 60s should have been a blatant sign that racism isn't only prevalent in the US, it's what it was built on. It's not going away and instead of making them more submissive and obedient to the laws of the land, they should have been more proud what it mean to be Black. It reads like he wanted them to be more submissive. No wonder the kid ran away in fear.
So the kid should have done what? Confronted the two adult men and possibly get assaulted? Or get himself arrested? No, he did the right thing. He walked away.
Outside of that, I've been blogging a lot more (https://www.jacky.wtf/essays/ - August looks so full, ha) and now I'm writing about things I'm reading too (https://www.jacky.wtf/links/). Been doing this to try to ween off social media and rely on places like this to share stuff.