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I'm always looking for personal sites that are still out there. I love some of the ones she listed. Here are some random ones I found yesterday.









Here are two I found several days ago, but that I am still finding amusing today.



Please share your personal page links, too.

Even if this list becomes long, that's okay. I will look at it.

This guy from Japan still has my favorite portfolio so far:


I shared it a while ago here, but it didn't get much traction.

It's so extremely overdone that it becomes a category all of its own. Awesome.

well, thanks for giving me impostor syndrome

And here I can’t even get two goddamn <div>s to line up properly.

Wow! Reminds me of those flashy Flash sites ... when Flash was still used for innocent purposes...

That's awesome.


Here's my personal website: https://matall.in

I'm a fan of personal sites, too. Some of the ones that I like most, in no particular order:







Seen some of this before, but glad to see it again.

Your site is well done - I particularly like the timeline overview of your life. Everyone should do one of those. I've been obsessed with 1995 era Yahoo/DMOZ link directories lately - your site reminds me of a little directory to your life. I don't know if you track heart rate and stuff like that, but I was honestly glad it was more of a summary than an exhaustive data dump.


I like your site, think I'll steal the Changelog idea.

Just as a notice to everyone here, I am going to make a nice directory of these links at http://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/. My previous "hunt" is there - but I'll make a new page there over the next day, archiving my old one.

Thank you for being generous with your links. I think there is a kind of resistance toward self-promotion of your personal pages these days. Or perhaps you feel like no one wants to see your page. Well, I do. I want to find pages that can't be found by Googling. One also has to look through every page to find the obscure pages that can be loved.

I would encourage all of you too to be curious about what is out there. There is still much to do on the web - it has just become very orderly in general.

See, this is great - I am not in the research work and am never exposed to blogs like this. Added you here: https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

I actually quite like it. It is fast, to the point and funnels you through a way to contact you.

Thanks. I'm pleased you mentioned the speed. When I created the site it wasn't something I focused on but I have thought about more recently. I'll aim for any changes I make to be at worse time neutral.

My personal site, made with hand-coded HTML and CSS, generated with Hugo, and published with rsync: https://www.simongriffee.com/

I use a couple of JavaScript libraries for displaying portfolio image galleries and the masonry-style blog list pages under /notebook/, but am thinking of reverting the latter into a single-column chronological format instead.

May the independent web live long and prosper!


Full of great stuff. Your photography is sensational. I think the masonry style suits it very well here, but I understand wanting to shake things up.

Thank you!

The ability to change things is one of the nice things about personal websites.

I am enjoying exploring kickscondor.com


I'm mostly an artist, and I take delight in the aggressive unhipness of my site running on top of Wordpress. It's had the same front page since 2011.

Someday I should really change the menus in the blog/portfolio sections to work with touch browsers. I got comics to draw, though.

The depth of your site is mind-blowing. I will have to return and read through some of the longer comics. I love the style of Parallax.

Thanks! I'm glad to hear people outside my existing fans like how Parallax looks; it's been brewing out of view for a couple years now.

(The site's a repository for about seventeen years of my creative output. You, too, can have something that mind-blowingly complex if you just keep at it for a significant part of a lifetime. :) )

Really dig your style!

Thank you!

Dynamical systems engineer for games and simulations. Portfolio out of necessity, because I've never been good at explaining with words what I do.


Love this site! Watched a couple of the videos too, and you've got some great visualizations. I know you said that you're not great at explaining what you've done with words, but having a couple of lines that express to me (especially as a non-expert) what your contribution was for each video would serve you really well: i.e. the videos look cool, but I don't know what it was that you did that was hard.

Ok, yours will take some time to dig through. Added you here https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

I like the technologies section, nice way of showing "no limitations"

I actually finished mine the other day: https://sterlingdemille.com

Boy, making a portfolio is excruciating. All these links make it look so easy, but when I started it was like pulling teeth. If anyone has feedback (harsh even), I'd love to hear it!

Big fan of your layout & color-scheme.

Can I ask what you used to make that pixelated avatar of yourself?

Professional: https://me.jrl.ninja/ Personal: https://jrl.ninja/

Both are ~1 KiB handcrafted html + css, excluding the web font. I like minimalism. Hope you like it too!

Thanks! :D

Great site, by the way. I've been looking for some personal site inspiration and you've got a great aggregation going on here.

I love it!

Nested iframes on that last one. Do you remember sites that would popup hundreds of popups - not virus/porn sites, but design sites that would orchestrate a variety of images in the popups? I recall iframes that would bring up more iframes as well. I wonder where we'd be if we'd followed these routes instead.

Had a chuckle at the "weakness" of that last one. Pretty sure "ugh, I just work too hard!" is everybody's go to weakness.

Can’t not mention acko.net ; maybe not a typical ‘portfolio’ but more or less fits the bill too

Great stuff. How did you find those?

My favourites:



Those are experiences. I'll update my website to be so awesome when I get some time for it (bit difficult while managing a team).

My own site, wanted to update it ever since. Not really an eye-catcher, I know. It uses Grav CMS, it's a great CMS (and file-based).


And the website of my agency (it's German)


Would love to hear some feedback, especially browser quirks.

I find links by clicking on different Twitter users' links or clicking around on "indieweb" blogs. But today has been amazing - having a chance to look at a variety of designs and blogs shared by their creators.

These designs you linked are more modern than the others that I've seen. It made me realize that there is a lot of nostaglia - either utter minimalism or vaporwave - floating around in personal pages right now - which I do enjoy. But these go in giant page directions. Another good example in this direction is: http://aaf.nyc. It's not a long page, but has a large feeling.

Never knew that so many developers go to such extremes w.r.t minimalism.

The site you've linked has great videos in the background and I like the animated logo, that really helps in making it interesting.

Personally, I still prefer those sites I've linked, because I know that they are harder to make than those minimalistic/no-css sites. I think it depends if it's a backend dev or a full stack web dev with a focus on UI/UX. In the latter case, it's a good way to show off what you're capable of. With those minimalistic designs (some of them also have bad UX) I don't really know if they're able to create modern, responsive and more complex websites.

Will throw mine in the mix: https://trevore.com/

Static site built with hugo, hosted on a 5$/month DigitalOcean droplet, using LetsEncrypt for TLS. Been considering some other hosting options that might be cheaper since I barely get any traffic, other than a couple times my posts went viral.

Huge respect to those that can consistently push out content. I have a big list of articles I want to write, but always lose motivation when it comes down to it. Maybe I'm a slow writer, it seems to take me an entire day to write something I'm proud to share.

Hey thanks! Added you to the directory https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

Definitely look into something like S3 + CloudFront, or Netlify if you don't want to set any of that up yourself.

Yes, S3 + CloudFront. I host a bunch of domains, including few whose properties/IP/company was acquired. The monthly for the static hosting is less than a dollar a month.

Cloudflare > CloudFront + S3 (sometimes just S3 responding to Cloudflare's request). I could have done Route53 but I've lots of other domains managed by Cloudflare.

I have a single instance Jekyll setup that spits out a bunch of index.html files for all the domains, including my primary personal[1]. To automate further, the setup runs within a few NPM modules, and gulp does the compile and build. When I need to change/update something, I let it build and then deploy to the primary S3 Bucket. The deployment is done with the S3_website[2] Gem.

Been running this setup for over 3 years or so. I can strip away everything and just stay with the minimal Jekyll setup and manually upload the files.

1. https://brajeshwar.me

2. https://github.com/laurilehmijoki/s3_website

Here is mine!


Built with Vue.js and uses Wordpress REST API as a headless content management system.

Very well organized. And PDFs that go into detail on the design.

Thank you :) I worked hard on it!

Very nice! Like the lazy loading of images etc.

Thanks so much, I actually wrote about how I achieved that as my first blog post:


Instead of reaching for an external library I decided to go with my own solution and I like to think that it made me more appreciative of Vue.js in general.

I'm about 90% through a rework of my personal site, https://www.brentbaum.com/

Would love feedback on what works / doesn't work design-wise.

The lighting thing is pretty cute. But you have completely and totally broken scrolling.

(Or at least you have for OSX Safari 11.1.2. Two-finger scrolling on my trackpad does nothing, trying to drag the scrollbar does nothing, space and arrow keys do nothing. Clicking on the links does nothing either.)

Yes, the lightning is nice. I am on Firefox and also cannot scroll. I wonder what's down there.

Looks great. Setting a line-height of 2.7rem gave the paragraphs some more room to breathe, those thick underlines made it claustrophobic in there. They're also not really adding anything to the presentation other than to break up the monotony of bare text, with the colored onHover gives the appearance of a link but then you get disappointed when they don't function that way. I'd pick some other way to highlight the words than underlining.

The email address at the bottom has too slight a color difference from the 'contact me at' part. Either make it contrast more or just make them the same color. The email address also gives the appearance but not behavior of a link.

Decreasing font-size on the non-bolded text on Recent Work to 1.1rem gives a better contrast with the headings.

Lowering the line height for the description text of the TwinThread blurb to 2.2rem makes the structure of the information more cohesive.

Fantastic typography feedback, thanks.

The front page looks awesome. I'm using Firefox on OSX- for some reason I can't scroll down. Maybe it's just not implemented yet?

Awesome, thanks for the report. I had someone report that before and couldn't reproduce. Looks like I should have tested in base Firefox, not just Firefox Developer Edition :)

I also can't scroll at all in Chrome on Windows. If it helps, when I mouse over one of the underlined words like "developer" then the outside border goes orange and strangely enough I can scroll a bit.

Same thing happens in Chrome for OS X.

I'm using Firefox on windows with the same issue.

Yup - also Firefox user (Windows) and cannot scroll.

Chrome on Ubuntu does not work also.

I really love this use of shadow! It creates a fantastic appearance of depth. One thought: Since the shadow redraws itself based on cursor position, when you move the cursor off of the grey background container and back on in a different location, the shadow effect seems to skip. At first I thought the site was buggy/lagging. It might be worth it to extend the CSS/JS trigger to the entire viewable document, rather than just the grey box.

Good catch!

Not a big fan of the white border. That's just me though

The words in the main paragraph are underlined but not links to anything? Make them link to something.

I can't scroll properly but i'm sure you will fix that.

Emphasize what work you actually did at those brands you listed.

They're good dogs Brent

I recently built my personal site and this is the first time I'm sharing it with the world! https://matthewblode.com/

This is reminiscent of windows93.net - but I like that this is a personal zine. It's easy to get distracted by the games and apps included, as if they are the primary draw.

Visit Start > Issues. What a novel way to do a blog type thing.

Mine is crazy simple... just moved to a new server setup with nginx.


This works! Reminds me of http://domhofmann.com/


And wow. Even more simple than mine!

Nice, webpages without CSS are simply superior :)



Check me out: https://castrio.me/

I'm most proud of the hover outlines, which I spent way too long making. They're on npm as a React component if anyone else finds them cool: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dynamic-outlines

Really great yellows in there! Added you here https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

These hover outlines look awesome! Definitely a fun little personal detail.

Here's mine: https://gerogerke.de/

Self-written with React for component reuse. Hosted on my Hetzner Dedicated, Dockerized and Reverse proxied with Traefik.

Code: https://github.com/Empty2k12/portfolio/

Added you here https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

I like the little GG that flashes for a moment.

I built mine about 6 years ago, and it's starting to look a touch dated now, but I'm still pretty proud of it. It's helped me land my last two full-time jobs as well as a few freelance things here and there.


I made one with LEGOs! https://bryce.io/

As someone familiar with front-end technologies, I'm always surprised at how folks build such a thing. Wouldn't know where to start. Guessing it has something to do with css transforms to make boxes diagonals.

That's neat. They're individually drawn with divs.

Love it! Very cool concept.

As a programming instructor, I'm always encouraging my students to keep beautiful, up to date portfolios. I appreciate the numerous examples in this thread, and will be sure to pass along the inspiration to my students!

Here's mine: https://droxey.com

your patent is an example of what's wrong with the software patent industry. i don't mean to be rude, although you did feature it promo prominently as the first bit of information about you on your resume. i mean, does soundcloud or any of the multitude of video websites that have done this for years have to pay you license fees?

I have to agree; when a comment on the YouTube Google Forums[1] is reasonable prior art, maybe it's not really such a great or original invention.

[1] https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/youtube/uykx9...

Cool portfolio! Wow that time-shifted comment patent is cool stuff, doesn't every social video platform used time-shifted comments or does your patent cover a specific nuanced scenario within this space, cause it seems many companies do video streaming chat like the way the patent described e.g. twitch, Facebook live, etc.

The unfolding zine is neat! Some of the other zine links inn these comments should take note. The little pages within a larger HTML page really stirs up the ideas in a "hey dawg I hear you like pages" kind of way.

Breaking the back button and bogus sw patent, not sure you will be too popular here.

My personal site:


The typing interaction was inspired from a site called Hacker Typer. I like how it invests the user in the sight by inviting them to interact immediately. (View on PC. It's non interactive on mobile)

Thanks for listing these. Reminds me I have to address my site now that I snatched the .com variant earlier when it expired on the original owner.




Static Site / blog made with Pelican and a custom theme, all open source.

It's hosted at my house on an old thinkpad 430 with a cracked LCD running SmartOS.

I pointed out my personal website earlier in the thread, but later recalled I’ve kept archives of every major version going back to ~2000. They sort of capture trends over time.







My first attempt at a professional portfolio: http://bradbain.com (or bradba.in)

I’m pretty proud of it, but I know things can always be improved. The portfolios shared in this thread though provide such inspiration!

Funny-- her site is very much not the same as mine, but there are several parts that certainly rhyme (shapes on the homepage, projects displayed in colorful wells, etc).

Any feedback is appreciated!


I was just talking to a friend yesterday about the mouse trail. This is a good innovation you have done. All of your projects look tight.

I recently learnt web-dev and made this:


it's not that good not even near those given in the links but hey, it's my website and I'd love some suggestions!

Ok, great! Responded here https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

blog "Read more" is broken

Was just updating the site. Do try now.

After 5 years of not having a portfolio, put one up earlier this year! https://moeamaya.com/. Interestingly my best project leads have come from launching the site.

Very practical, but elegant feeling. A new appreciation for blue. I recall your cool backgrounds project. Looking forward to further essays. Thankyou!

I would appreciate any feedback: https://www.echevarria.io/. It's just basic HTML, CSS, and I think three small scripts for the whole thing.

I have bookmarked the pastels blog entry to revisit - I think this is a fun post. Your blue puts you with the other link here https://moeamaya.com/ which is good company.

One question: is there a reason you chose to go with left-right arrows on the photo page and scrolling on the code page?

You are doing good work. Continue.

Thanks! I went with left-right arrows because that's pretty much the standard for fine art photographers and I did scrolling on the code page because I suspect that developers would get frustrated with the lack of information density. I feel weird that the photos are the odd page out, but I struggled with finding an alternative when I made this.

Ok, that makes sense. I like that.

Nice site! I'm biased because I use my phone so much, but if you add in a viewport tag it'll look better on mobile. I just added one in the console and I think it still looks pretty good

Wow, thanks so much for pointing this out. I spent a day or two getting things mobile-responsive, but I couldn't figure out why certain mobile browsers didn't display the site as I intended. I added a little thank you in the README: https://github.com/iechevarria/iechevarria.github.io

Here's mine: http://payodpanda.com

Unfortunately I haven't updated it in a while, but I plan on doing that in a couple of weeks with recent projects.

This is a great expansion on the minimalist sites everyone is posting. Listed you here https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

Thanks! That's a great list for inspiration.

My old (handcoded starting in 1999, so ancient tech) site www.lomont.org. It now looks like 1999, so needs some serious updating, which led me to making www.clomont.com, in the hopes someday I will merge them with newer tech to make it easier to post articles.

Now I'm leaning on using or making a static site generator, needs markdown supporting math via some LaTeX flavored plugin, and simple to edit. Maybe one day when I'm less busy I'll get around to merging, updating, and posting the gazillion articles/talks/progs I've done that have gone unposted.

Mine's https://www.jamestease.co.uk . I designed it about five years ago and can't be bothered to change it now :)

Two kinds of minimalism

Me - https://dcpos.ch

Paul Shen - https://bypaulshen.com

Ha! The man page inspired design made me really happy. Thanks for sharing.

I mostly work on interpreters and compilers.

Mine is minimal because I refuse to make it otherwise: https://bernsteinbear.com


edit: I tried to keep it minimal but informative. I recently rebuilt it using Gatsby.

Mine's at https://ckuhl.com/

Here's some other ones that I've collected and found cool interesting.




Just did a rework on mine and would love any feedback: https://jamievaughn.github.io

Been transitioning mine from bloglike to more of a personal site: https://kolemcrae.com

Should mention this is built on Ghost.org but is a 100% custom template. Used to use jeckyll with a Github page but with the microsoft takeover I decided to try something new.

Want something fun? Check out all the old designs with the Internet Archive! The 2010 design is a little... uh....


Here is mine - https://krtkush.com

It's a modified jekyll theme so the design is not originally mine.

Thankyou! Gave you an entry here https://www.kickscondor.com/hrefhunt/

My own site, intentionally brutalist: https://jonathan.hefner.pro/

heres mine i've gotten some good feedback on it, and it runs ultra fast:


UX is your specialty but you have no screen caps of your portfolio next to each project name.

If I want an overview of your work I need to click through each link, instead of simply scrolling through the page and then clicking on what I’m interested in. No offence, but that’s some poorly thought out UX right there.

What good is it that it ‘runs ultra fast’?

Thank you for the feedback! Do you have examples of screen caps you like? I had considered this but decided to take it out because of wanting to keep to the old school terminal aesthetic. Plus since I do a lot of programming, I figured linking to the site to see how it works might be more useful than simply a screen grab, since I'm not the one usually doing the design (which would make sense at that point).

User experience and performance go hand-in-hand. Users get frustrated if a site loads slowly or doesn't function. So I made sure to have a site that does those things (plus web performance is one of my specialties).

It is a strange coincidence that I was just on a poet's site today who goes by "caconrad". http://caconrad.blogspot.com/

Your link is well done. The blue and gray hearken to the Old Web.

My suggestion is to tone down the first red and blue backgrounds.

I don't know - I like the colors. They feel alive.

Built mine some days ago with a custom "portfolio generator" :


The animation on http://merkoba.com/ hurts my brain.

Every time I hear the phrase: https://youtu.be/evlrs5Bi_6E?t=1m25s


I like to think that if any future employers don’t enjoy my self-deprecating humor it probably won’t make a great fit anyway.

I used the site as an opportunity to roll my own static site generator for no reason. Bit of a whatever website, but it was a fun learning experience nonetheless.

I like that "Google" links to google.com, so there's no confusion!

Thanks for noticing! It’s the little things, ya know?

This is mine: http://dragthelake.com/

Tried to keep it simple

I like the small "highlights I’m proud of" section. It's a nice approach. To me it feels more, genuine, I guess? I always feel uncomfortable talking about what I'm good at. I really like how you frame accomplishments as something you are proud of without it coming off like a big marketing pitch.

The slight tilt. Brilliant.

I was definitely confused when I clicked. I thought my monitor wasn't level for a second.

Thanks :)

There ya go :)


From the time when I had too much free time.


Would love to hear your thoughts.

http://steveasleep.com still going strong!

A tad basic, but mine at https://www.jeremycantu.com tries to do the whole "multi-discipline" angle with that toggle in the center, which I thought might be a neat element for folks with varying creative pursuits.

Very clean. I like the general attitude. The mustard color is good. Such an ideal color does wonders. Going to have to follow your blog. Thanks!

Here's my website: https://praveen.science/

And here's my blog page: https://blog.praveen.science/

Ohno. Just a few weeks before finishing my design overhaul!


I'd encourage you to take a second look at the end of August, I'm very excited about the pending redesign and rewritten content.

I'm a big fan of your steam db and api work! thank you!!

Here's mine: https://thomasnyberg.com

I think I might win the prize for the laziest and least fancy site. I've never even bothered to give any info page of who I am...

Feedback appreciated!


I'm a fan of simplicity, speed and Jekyll. I have my own personal site at https://heiswayi.nrird.com

Also, I built few minimalist Jekyll themes.

Aye. Thanks for linking me. Was wondering why I had a spike in traffic.

Hey! Yes - well I found your blog to be gorgeous and I think it sets a standard for the Indieweb (which is generally very practical.) Which - I like that you don't sacrifice practicality for appearance. The layout of the metadata on your posts is sterling.

Here's mine: h12n.nz

Possibly a bit grandiose. Any feedback much appreciated.

That's a nice effect. Are there other pages?

Thanks. Just the one page at present.

Mine's super simple, but once I have more projects under my belt I'll be expanding it out:


Redid mine a few weeks ago (with a new domain that I've been pining after), thoughts?


How many blockchain projects have you done? Looking at the body of work you've shown, it all looks to be standard web projects - nothing at all wrong with those kind of projects, but when you put "web & blockchain solutions" at the top, it makes it feel like hype marketing.

I've helped out 4 ICOs with smart contract programming & web interfaces. I do not list them on my public portfolio, only present them to interested clients.

https://gir.me.uk/ - static site built with Metalsmith - full marks on PageSpeed :)


I love ASCII text a lot :)

personally, i like nik's and jacobyyoungs the most. straightforward and to the point. merkoba makes my eyes hurt and as impressive as joelcalifa's background is, i dont like that its written as if to be read by 8 year old children.

mines based off of windows GUI with my projects page being a faux terminal



I've been gathering some inspirations for a personal site. Here are a couple I liked. (Although now that I think about it, these were linked at the end of the article).





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