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Yes, but please, can you avoid going around saying that? My children depend on the money I earn by selling support for this. Complexity is a virtue of our industry, and by embracing it, we will all be richer and happier.

Those are some adjectives and a noun. What are you implying? Do you not think that birdyrooster is insightful?

I've got better things to do than argue, but this website needs to be shielded from this. Please take it to twitter

The Twitter character limit prohibits going in depth. That is the opposite of what I am looking for. Also, the lack of threading discourages having branches of discussion for the lesser important points.

ROC president Ma Ying-jeou asserted claims on mainland China in 2008. PRC claims Taiwan all the time. So is that really equivalent?

Why are you stopping? Because you think they collaborate with the FSB more now?

There is one certain thing - they are getting something out of that and they want people to use it. I'm not sure what exactly. They either found a backdoor or a struck a deal. Things like that aren't a joke in Russia. Mass control and surveillance is a real thing, there are many reports of people being put in jail for writing something against the government on Facebook or other platforms.

PHP? Are you referring to the programming language? What do you mean by "PHP threads"?

I take it to mean HN discussions, like this one. Not threads as in process threading, which is what I thought at first.

Yes that is correct.

> The UI and animations are implemented in JavaScript

Can you point me to the code implementing an animation in JavaScript?

Here, took me less than 30 seconds to find one:


It's everywhere

My confusion stems from the fact that when you say "implementing" animations, I think of shuffling pixels around. By your logic, every HTML marquee tag "implements" an animation.

what do you mean by lighthouse?

Like a "point of reference"

You can get back that old-school Windows feeling on Linux with https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95

Chicago95 is nice, but I'd like to see a reimplementation of the old GTK2 themes, now that GTK3 seems to have gotten a stable theming interface. It could even be merged upstream, or at least be contributed to the major distro repositories.

I miss Gorilla and the one with a metallic theme. And the one from the Java Metal theme.

Redux brands itself as a tool for managing state. How does GraphQL manage state?

The way I see it is Redux is a local normalized store which can then be used via the selector pattern to generate custom objects / views. With GraphQL you are requesting that derived data to be generated for you via the query language.

Regarding managing state I don't see GraphQL helping with that at all.

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