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Not related to the post itself nor to FreeBSD:

I personally feel sad when people state (indirectly) that Linux is NOK because their Ubuntu didn't work well :(

Ubuntu is probably the only Linux distro which I hate => I admit that it's a bit a mixed situation (Ubuntu seems to be a kind of "lighthouse" for the Linux world), but in the end I personally think that it's a pity that it acts as representative of the Linux distros.

I'm currently using Gentoo & Mint & Arch (depends on the usage), and in the past I liked as well at least Fedora and CentOS (not using them since a long time), but I never liked Ubuntu.

I hear ya, but as a counterpoint to my above post I've yet to have a issue with Linux in a server context, although I tend to use FreeBSD on servers where ever possible. The only time I've had issues with either FreeBSD or Linux is using it as a desktop/dev machine. They are both awesome operating systems, I just prefer FreeBSD.

what do you mean by lighthouse?

Like a "point of reference"

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