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We must be eating very different types of bread then because slicing bread produces way more crumbs than pre sliced by a considerable margin and always has. Main reason I buy sliced bread, really.

This still presents an issue with shebang lines, though. I use ‘#!/usr/bin/env bash’ to work around this but occasionally have to modify other peoples scripts if they’re relying on newer bash features.

The library for every streaming service sucks now due to fragmentation. A Usenet and indexer subscription are way cheaper and have a full selection and no ads.

They are also illegal

I don't think using them is illegal in Canada at least. My understanding is that distributing copy-written content is illegal (it's a civil issue and they need to prove damages) but downloading is not in any way illegal.

Bingo - Usenet is download only, Bittorent is distribution.

Myself, as a Canadian - I have been hoping that a copyright holder would actually take someone to court here after our laws were changed, to actually test the lifetime maximum "damages" amount of $5,000.


Looks like they don't ship Apple Silicon builds, unfortunately.

Ha, I considered mentioning it. Here are the Apple Silicon builds: https://github.com/tibeer/vscodium/releases

They’re still working on making them official.

Or, like, reduce air pollution since in addition to this possibility it's already known to cause asthma, lung cancer, and heart disease.

This is not true of asthma. Outdoor air quality in the United States has improved over time [1] and asthma rates has increased.

[1] https://www.epa.gov/air-trends

Anecdotally, I was diagnosed with asthma as a child and walked around with an inhaler for a few years. I liked it, it tasted funny and seemed like a cool gadget at the time. But I did not have asthma. And I'm convinced there's no way my parents would've been diagnosed with it 30 years ago with the minor symptoms I had.

So perhaps the asthma numbers are influenced by an increased willingness to diagnose it. Just a thought.

The guys say that death by asthma (severe cases certainly) are gently falling, but it looks pretty flat to me.


Do you have any intuition for how to identify an increased willingness to over-diagnose? It may be true, but how do we test this hypothesis?

Auto immune diseases as a whole have increased over just the past 30 years; I'd speculate asthma is a part of this.

It will be interesting to see the driving environmental causalities behind these autoimmune disease increases if pollution is not a key variable.

The immune system is a use-it-or-lose-it thing. Lots of healthy bodies mean the immune system has to go after something...

yeah, like in my case... rolls dice....eggs

Is that true? Would frequent vaccines help give the immune system something to do?

Outdoor air quality isn't the only factor in developing asthma

This kind of gets into philosophical questions about what could still be considered a causal link. If the increased chance of depression is caused by significant reduction in quality of life which is caused by pollution, do we still say air pollution has a causal link with depression? I'm leaning towards yes because removing the air pollution will through multiple steps reduce depression/suicide in that case.

About 20 years ago our society gained a deep understanding of the notion of causality. (To learn more, search the web for "Judea Pearl".) According to the terminology standardized at that time, yes, if adding particulate pollution to the air makes it more likely that a person breathing that air is depressed, then that is a casual link or a cause-and-effect relationship. It might be the case however that polluting the air reduces the person's quality of life and that if it were possible to effect an identical reduction of quality of life without polluting the air, then polluting the air would have no further effect on the likelihood of depression. if that is the case, we say that quality of life "screens off" the effect of air pollution on depression.

I feel that mere causation is sufficient to promote action. Waiting for causation feels like rationalizing laziness.

People don't wait to determine whether school district performance is caused by the staff or the selection effect of eager parents, they just move to good school districts.

Chase those good effects AND attempt to understand them. Understanding the mechanism is not necessary to select for good results.

(All ethics is utilitarian in effect. Kantians stop pretending.)

Kern is an unhinged, extreme right whackjob so I would take anything he claims with a grain of salt regardless of your feelings on Hong Kong or Activision Blizzard.

Better late than never, I guess?

Except if they are too late.

Take a look at the new Dell XPS 15” 2-in-1, with Intel Core i7-8705G (with AMD Radeon RX Vega M GH, 4GB of dedicated HMB2), e.g.

That thing ticks most checkboxes of a pro machine, except for the “is a Mac” and “runs Mac-only software” ones.

And I imagine that an upgraded version will come out in 2019. Honestly, I find both Windows 10 Pro and Ubuntu very usable nowadays. I don’t really find much reason to stick with a Mac anymore.

> That thing ticks most checkboxes of a pro machine

Except for little things like (workstation) Xeon CPU and pro graphics (Quadro or whatever ATi is calling their FirePros these days).

If you want a actual pro system, check out Dells workstation line, e.g. Precision 7520. Sure, its not light and pretty like a XPS, but you can load it with fairly serious amount of stuff and as a cherry on top it comes with Linux support out of the box.

Workstations are just a different class of computers.

Oh, and actual desktop workstations (which Mac Pro would be competing against) are yet another class. I just had some fun at Dell website, and you can configure a desktop system with dual Xeon Platinum (lol) 8180 CPUs. Those have 28 cores each. The memory configuration taps out at 12x32 GB. With 384 GB of RAM and 112 HW threads, you might be able to even run Atom and Slack simultaneously.

The XPS 2-in-1 has also dropped all useful (in the present) ports, reduced the keyboard travel, and messed up the arrow key area on their keyboards.

I'm worried that the XPS line is trying too hard to be a MacBook; what if they want to make next year's model even thinner?

Their "classic" XPS 15 looks fantastic, but I've read too many complaints about reliability and coil whine. I hope they keep iterating on it for a few more years.

Windows 10 is one giant malware/virus. The interface is terrible too, but that is a preference.

I don't run antivirus software, only ublock. I have literally not had a virus or malware infection in the last 10 years of pro use.

And I use BitTorrent and Usenet frequently.

Where/how are you getting all this malware?

Please don't feed the trolls.

Riot's encryption functionality is currently unfinished and not very user friendly, otherwise I'd agree.

A better solution would be to pan the production and use of disposable plastic bags altogether like most countries did with plastic microbeads.

There's no good reason to ban plastic bags. We have to take convenience and quality of life for humans into account at some point when considering these environmental issues.

It's bad, but at the same time it's hard to blame people doing it too much when it's literally in the npm documentation: https://docs.npmjs.com/troubleshooting/common-errors

I am not blaming people, maybe my comment wasn't formulated properly. What I meant is "don't do it, there is an alternative".

I think no documentation should ever include sudo in their commands. You should put a note "depending on your environment, some of those commands might require root privileges" or something.

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