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There's also a jscs default for this styleguide.

        "preset": "airbnb"

The site is using a japanese(?) font which you probably don't have and it's falling back to a serif font. If you inspect element and change it to monospace it all works fine.


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Another gem in there is

  <!--[if lt IE 7]>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/iesucks.css" />

Pretty cool demo. Just a little tip for op, @codez, if you apply float: right; to the menu container (.actions) the buttons will look better while sliding in/out.

hey heydanreeves,

Thanks very much for the feedback! and thank you very much for that little tip, haha I spent a while thinking, hmm this doesn't look right, it's funny how like when you're stuck into something you can sometimes overlook simple things that are going to fix an issue. "float: right;" palms face

Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated!

I like that one of the hints is "1 to 6"

Okay. Now give me a proper app instead of this stupid downloader in the system preferences...

Since you don't know what is in either envelope surely both theoretically contain both x and 2x (al a Schrödinger's cat). Only upon opening an envelope will we know the amount; which one you take or how many times you swap make no difference.

Also swapping, in my understanding, doesn't increase your probability. In the first choice you 1 in 2 chance of gettng the higher amount. In the second choice (the ability to swap, which is fundamentally the same as choosing between the two envelopes) you have a 1 in 2 chance of getting the higher amount.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Is it just painfully slow for me?

I got a "502 Bad Gateway | nginx" error, then it loaded (nice use of Bootstrap 3 RC1) and then it was slow.

not just for you..

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