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British bookseller hides reading list for developers in its website source code (waterstones.com)
148 points by e15ctr0n on Feb 20, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments

  <!--  Interested in code, web design and web development?  Check out our bestselling books on Web Programming: -->
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It's in the <head> element.

    <!--  Waterstones E-Commerce Platform Version :  1.0 -->
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    <!--  Interested in code, web design and web development?  Check out our bestselling books on Web Programming: -->
    <!--  HTML & CSS by Jon Duckett :  https://www.waterstones.com/book/html-and-css/jon-duckett/9781118008188 -->
    <!--  Python in Easy Steps by Mike McGrath : https://www.waterstones.com/book/python-in-easy-steps/mike-mcgrath/9781840785968 -->
    <!--  JavaScript & JQuery by Jon Duckett : https://www.waterstones.com/book/javascript-and-jquery/jon-duckett/9781118531648 -->
    <!--  PHP & MYSQL in Easy Steps by Mike McGrath : https://www.waterstones.com/book/php-and-mysql-in-easy-steps/mike-mcgrath/9781840785371 -->
    <!--  Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford : https://www.waterstones.com/book/javascript-the-good-parts/douglas-crockford/9780596517748 -->
    <!--  Learning Python with Raspberry Pi by Alex Bradbury : https://www.waterstones.com/book/learning-python-with-raspberry-pi/alex-bradbury/ben-everard/9781118717059 -->
    <!--  AngularJS: Up and Running by Shyam Seshadri :  https://www.waterstones.com/book/angularjs-up-and-running/shyam-seshadri/brad-green/9781491901946-->
    <!--  Transcending CSS by Andy Clarke  : https://www.waterstones.com/book/transcending-css/andy-clarke/molly-e-holzschlag/9780321410979 -->
    <!--  Jump Start Responsive Web Design by Craig Sharkie : https://www.waterstones.com/book/jump-start-responsive-web-design/craig-sharkie/andrew-fisher/9780987332165 -->


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Another gem in there is

  <!--[if lt IE 7]>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/iesucks.css" />

I always like finding stuff like this. Imgur has a really good ascii art job advert that shows up in the JS console.


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    Hi there, nice to meet you!

    Interested in having a direct impact on hundreds of millions of users? Join
    Mozilla, and become part of a global community that’s helping to build a
    brighter future for the Web.

    Visit https://careers.mozilla.org to learn about our current job openings.
    Visit https://www.mozilla.org/contribute for more ways to get involved and
    help support Mozilla.

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     | | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | | | '__|
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     |_|_| |_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|
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  You opened the console! Know some code,
  do you? Want to work for one of the best
  startups around? http://imgur.com/jobs

As of yesterday the New York Times had a great ascii version of their abbreviated 'T' logo, and the text "All the code that's fit to printf()", along with a "we're hiring!" message.

They must have filled the position, though, because the advert is now gone.

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       NYTimes.com: All the code that's fit to printf()
       We're hiring: http://nytimes.com/careers

Check out the code in http://www.ilikearchitecture.net

Looks like the famous architect Le Corbusier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Corbusier

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I found this a while back on vimeo jobs page.

"Ahhhh…greetings, fellow internet developer! We’ve been looking for you: https://vimeo.com/jobs"

I've had the following ASCII art in the source of my personal site (driverdan.com) for a few years. There are a lot of tools to convert images to ASCII so it's pretty easy to do.

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Haha, that is cool.

The hidden comments copy-n-pasted into this thread are darkweb content -- by my favorite definition, anyway: that content which is on the public internet but isn't index or linked to: you have to have the address to pull it up.

Take a good long look at some of the comments here before the next time you copy and paste. Those things you found were put there for YOU, nobody else.

Here we have content marketing.

Somebody should totally help them make their source code look awesome. Like the first of its kind as a bookstore. Maybe they deserve it :)

Who is it that has their job ad in a X-something response header? I liked that one.

Off topic but similar comment exists in the oatmeal comics page

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1. If a customer is looking for books, they're probably not going to be looking in the code.

2. If someone is looking in the code, they're probably ready for books beyond "HTML & CSS".

3. The urls aren't hyperlinked, so readers have to copy-paste.

4. The two books I bothered to copy-paste both report, "Not in our warehouse". One of them further reports that "We can order it, but could take up to 3 weeks". The big-A can have it to me in 3 days, two of which are the weekend.

> 3. The urls aren't hyperlinked, so readers have to copy-paste.

Actually you can just highlight the URL and right click, you get an option to open it in various ways... (firefox and chrome)

I'm using Firefox 35.0.1 on OS X, i.e. the latest version of Firefox and I can't find anything that is faster than "Show Source", click and drag (to highlight the desired url), copy, paste into url bar, and press enter.

I do not have any "Open" options on my right-click from "Show Source". From "Show Source" once I've highlighted the url, the only right-click options available are "Find Again", "Copy" (which I'm already doing, albeit from a keyboard shortcut), and "Select All".

If I try it from "Inspect Elements", I can expand the head tag, double-click to select the comment, click and drag to select the url, at which point my right-click only has the "Show DOM Properties" option available. But this has already taken longer than the above show source, then copy-paste, and go.

Huh. It turns out you're completely correct.

Turns out I was able to highlight and right click because I was selecting the <pre> embedded text in the comments of hacker news, rather than viewing source on the waterstones link.

I'm dismayed to report that the view source window doesn't give you this open. Even worse, if you right click on something that's highlighted as being a URL you can't even open it in a new window/tab. Colour me disappointed.

Your second point is off the mark - I teach a load of kids (12-16 years old or so) who know all about pressing F12 and looking at source code, but who know next to nothing more about HTML, CSS, Python etc.

Whether or not they'd be interested in reading a book when you can just watch it on Youtube is another matter entirely!

> 2. If someone is looking in the code, they're probably ready for books beyond "HTML & CSS".

Key word in my original statement - "probably". I didn't claim that everyone reading it was beyond needing a beginners book, just that a reader of the code was "probably" ready for books beyond "HTML & CSS".

As for books versus Youtube - yep, I'm an immigrant. In most cases, I personally still prefer books, online tutorials, and online forums to Youtube. But I'm not surprised to hear that isn't the case with kids. But then again, we're discussion a book-seller's site.

My 12-yo is learning HTML/JS by reading and modifying websites' code.

That is how I learned when I was 12 too :)

Back then I didn't have developer tools though. That lowers the bar considerably to newcomers. :)

I first got excited about web design when my computer teacher taught me how to change table cell background colors, in Netscape Composer. Now I do responsive CSS for a living!

I remember the endless amusement I had using Firebug to create ridiculous headlines on yahoo.com.

>The urls aren't hyperlinked, so readers have to copy-paste.

Is it even possible to have clickable hyperlinks in HTML comments?

Depending on the editor, it will recognize http:// as a url and link it.

It's because they expect you to extract the urls and open them ! On a mac with chrome :

echo `curl https://www.waterstones.com/` | grep -o 'http[^ "]/book/[^ "]' | xargs open -a Google\ Chrome

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