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The Ninth Gate (Roman Polanski), which I have seen perhaps 5 times. I think it is the hidden meaning in old books which draws me to this movie. Videodrome (David Cronenberg) and recently Midsommar (Ari Aster) plus many of the already mentioned.

Very interesting and in depth article. I really appreciate the amount of detail and knowledge shared about how to go about reverse enginnering and patching abandonware like this. Thank you. Saw the game in a local thrift store, but left it be, since I only played Dune II rts. I will pick it up for sure now.

I wonder if it would run under Wine?

I feel I need to report my experience from Denmark, Jutland.

It started with white broad streaks, which most of all looked like fog, but then perhaps after 10 minutes or so, we saw colors of red, purple and green begin to emerge from the these streaks. Most astoundingly it all seemed to emanate from a fluctuating point in the middle of the sky. If you looked closely at this point you could see it fall into itself, morphing and shifting continuously.

We went around the house and we could purple streaks at the top and orange to red patches at the bottom of the sky.

Colors observed: Whitish blue, Green, Purple, Red, and Orange

An absolutely a beautiful experience.

I was out flying a camera drone on the river Dee between Liverpool and North Wales filming the sunset, when I started getting magnetic interference warnings. At the same time, I started to see flashes in the sky. Then my vision was filled with sparkling lights. A few minutes later I got an aurora warning from my brother and the aurora app. KP 8-9

As the sun went down I was waking through a woodland. I thought the dark would help my eyes to see the aurora, and I could point my camera away from the light pollution of Liverpool and maybe catch some colour with a long exposure.

Suddenly, I realised the colour of the aurora was coming through the trees, and getting brighter. I wasn't expecting it to be visible to naked eye like this. In these latitudes the advice is to set your camera to highest iso and slowest shutter speed and hope to catch a little colour. I wasn't expecting this! So I packed up quick and ran through the woods and into open fields. There, directly above me was this intense white light, with white arms forming a sort-of cross. The longest arm formed an arch over the whole sky, and where they reached the earth, on either side they became colourful, like a twinkling rainbow stretching out to space.

I didn't have the equipment or the wits to get a good photo. I just threw myself on the ground and lay on my back watching.

Wildest thing I ever saw. Absolutely awesome.

When I regain my composure, I will upload some photos somewhere (where, though?) and edit this comment.

> and edit this comment.

You have like 30min to edit and there's a timeout for replies too so maybe put the link in your profile if it gets later <3

You did the right thing, the correct way is to just enjoy it with your eyes. There are enough photos and timelapses on the net anyway. They can't capture the speed of the real thing since you need pretty long exposure time to get enough light.

I was in the area too. Decided to go for a drive to Southport beach to try and catch it and saw.. nothing.

Yesterday evening I tried Crosby beach. Also nothing.

Did I just go at the wrong time? It was between 11pm and 1am.

Which app have you been using for the aurora warning?

Not who you were replying to, but I've had the AuroraWatch UK app installed for a while now (and yes, we enjoyed last night's display, after being alerted by the app).

Thank you for sharing, I'll take a look at it.

Hello from the Wirral!

Someone shared something similar on Twitter: https://x.com/packyM/status/1789113052723314918

Wow that's magnificent.

Can somebody link not to Twitter, please?


Just Twitter ones.

I’m a few thousand kilometres south of you in Portugal - here, we got the side view of what was above you, and it was spectacular - pink sky underlit by blue and green filled with vast columns. It really gave me the sense of being a tiny thing on a virtually naked sphere hurtling through the void - seeing such titanic structures really puts things into scale.

Thank you for sharing that. I wonder at what speed the morphing happen, also a sense of proportion. Very hard to capture that in anything but direct experience.

Per Wikipedia, most auroras are 300 to 600 km wide, and occur at 90 to 150 km above surface. It' below LEO (300 km), but it's considered outer space already. You actually see a thing the size of a mountain range shining and morphing above you in space.

Thee scale is what the pictures don't capture. The color is stronger in the camera but at some point there was a red or pink streak across half the sky. From zenith and down 1/2 way on one side and 2/3 on the other side. As usual, it's hard for a camera to capture the feeling of being there and having it all above you.

The scale of change I saw yesterday is that it fades in or changes over five seconds maybe, it's not changing faster than that. The most intense lights were over some 20 minute period maybe and then slowly it was mostly disappearing again.

Not sure here in proper continental Europe, but the usual sightings in the Arctic Circle are typically very short. Like it shows up for a minute or even not so. Then you wait an hour and another sighting for tens of seconds. Obviously sometimes it lasts for hours, but this is nothing frequent (in given location).

I am looking at the foto webcam images too and haven't seen the aurora myself, but the photos show a much longer timespan: For Wildhaus the first image with a pink/greenish glow is at 22:22


and this continues through the entire night https://www.foto-webcam.eu/webcam/wildhaus/2024/05/10/2230

till shortly before sunset, where the exposure time probably shortens too much to capture the color of the the aurora https://www.foto-webcam.eu/webcam/wildhaus/2024/05/11/0420

Other locations:




Can you share a photo?

Currently pretty good at the South Pole. The pink skies are wild. Green auroras are fairlty common over the winter, but it's unusual for it to be this red.

If you're interested in a real time video, here's one I captured a few weeks ago from our "back yard" (excuse the Instagram link)


Here are some additional photos from the current storm - https://www.instagram.com/p/C60Y-gIu4Ob/?igsh=N3AwaGZzODN3eD...

Sadly we have pretty high winds at the moment and visibility is poor due to all the blowing snow, but if you're high up (eg an observation deck), it's a bit clearer.

Unrelated but why are you at the South Pole?

All the cool people are there

Cool as in cold? :D

I'm wintering for the South Pole Telescope.


Why aren’t you?! :P

Amazing thanks for sharing

I took one semi successful photo using my crappy beat-down a20e Samsung phone.

It doesn't do what we saw justice at all.


grafelic's image looks totally black on my crappy laptop monitor unless I turn brightness up to 100%, even then it's barely noticeable.

Here's a color enhanced version of grafelic's photo that shows the color bands more easily,


Added some blur after color adjustments to remove pixelation artifacts.

I’m b mobile, it’s still black with a lil highlight.

Near, but definitely not retrospective

Here are some quality photos from Denmark: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/vejret/saa-vildt-ser-det-ud-se-nat...


When I took photos of the northern lights on my Sony RX1 the colours became much stronger. I assumed all digital cameras captured the colours better than our eyes.

Yes, an electronic sensor is much more sensitive than our eyes. However, even within digital sensors, some are more sensitive than others. Add that sensitivity with the ability to do long exposure, and you can capture things we will never see with our naked eyes. Even with binoculars or telescopes, our eyes will just seem more photons, but pretty much without the color. That's where the digital sensors really "shine"

Our eyes definitely do not see "pretty much without the color". Born and raised in Norway I've watched more aurora borealis than I care to count. On many occassions you could see all kinds of colors and dancing lights with the naked eye, very strong and vivid, too. Important to be in a dark environment without light pollution. At the arctic circle during polar night you will see northern lights that almost match the most stunning photos you have seen.

Poetry comes to us when we can’t say exactly how it made us feel. As a son of Jurgen, I appreciated your account.

A possible contributing factor is that people, and especially young people, are drinking less alcohol than the generations prior, which is leading to stronger inhibitions, a lower frequency of one-night stands and no hangover sex.

No, I have no sources for this assumption at hand.

Linux, bash, awk, sed, curl and jq.

The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. This book somehow stayed with me for a long time after having finished it. For me it encapsulates how we sometimes get stuck in systems which are unhealthy, but safe and feels better than an uncertain alternative. Also how pain and suffering binds people together in interesting, and in other circumstances, unlikely relationships. I enjoyed the humour as well.


I think with OpenTofu it's a weaker association, given tofu is an actual word many people already know.

(Edit: added a bit of context as parent comment suggesting you can interpret the new name as open to fuck was removed)

Zazu is a prime and obscure example of what I consider to be progrock (disclaimer: I am no proghead).

Especially, "Ittsanottasonatta, But It's Close" is a hidden gem of genre.



Intermittently, since yesterday.

Check out https://www.percona.com/blog (filter for MySQL)

I have been a heavy user of the Percona distribution of MySQL for many years and highly recommend it. I think that most of the MySQL articles on percona.com are relevant for other MySQL distributions.

As a side note, depending on the software stack, ProxySQL can have a major positive impact on performance and scalability.

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