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I was out flying a camera drone on the river Dee between Liverpool and North Wales filming the sunset, when I started getting magnetic interference warnings. At the same time, I started to see flashes in the sky. Then my vision was filled with sparkling lights. A few minutes later I got an aurora warning from my brother and the aurora app. KP 8-9

As the sun went down I was waking through a woodland. I thought the dark would help my eyes to see the aurora, and I could point my camera away from the light pollution of Liverpool and maybe catch some colour with a long exposure.

Suddenly, I realised the colour of the aurora was coming through the trees, and getting brighter. I wasn't expecting it to be visible to naked eye like this. In these latitudes the advice is to set your camera to highest iso and slowest shutter speed and hope to catch a little colour. I wasn't expecting this! So I packed up quick and ran through the woods and into open fields. There, directly above me was this intense white light, with white arms forming a sort-of cross. The longest arm formed an arch over the whole sky, and where they reached the earth, on either side they became colourful, like a twinkling rainbow stretching out to space.

I didn't have the equipment or the wits to get a good photo. I just threw myself on the ground and lay on my back watching.

Wildest thing I ever saw. Absolutely awesome.

When I regain my composure, I will upload some photos somewhere (where, though?) and edit this comment.

> and edit this comment.

You have like 30min to edit and there's a timeout for replies too so maybe put the link in your profile if it gets later <3

You did the right thing, the correct way is to just enjoy it with your eyes. There are enough photos and timelapses on the net anyway. They can't capture the speed of the real thing since you need pretty long exposure time to get enough light.

I was in the area too. Decided to go for a drive to Southport beach to try and catch it and saw.. nothing.

Yesterday evening I tried Crosby beach. Also nothing.

Did I just go at the wrong time? It was between 11pm and 1am.

Which app have you been using for the aurora warning?

Not who you were replying to, but I've had the AuroraWatch UK app installed for a while now (and yes, we enjoyed last night's display, after being alerted by the app).

Thank you for sharing, I'll take a look at it.

Hello from the Wirral!

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