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Ollama is great. I discovered it today while looking for a way to serve LLMs locally for my terminal command generator tool (cmdh: https://github.com/pgibler/cmdh) and was able to get it up and running and implement support for it very easily.

Yep, the compensation has been lagging compared to the money it's been generating.

And I would argue that engineering compared to other professions has always been lower paid.

The error in the author's code seems to be better described as an "unnecessary function call" than a "stray parentheses". I spent more time looking for that stray parentheses than I should have before noticing the call to .title().

Very good article though.

str.title is a method, the code is correct - it's the fixed version.

It's certainly an issue to consider if you're starting a company.

If you are creating a organization that is less focused on making money as a core element like a business is, then you should feel fine using .org or any other domain.

The amount of progress over time is a bell shaped curve. For a period of time after the technology becomes practical, it will get more funding & smart people involved. During that time most of the major advanced in the tech will be made. This phase may last a long time. After much of what can be done with it is discovered and optimized, the amount of progress will slow down.

Ah, yes, thank you. I was thinking about the far side of the bell curve after most of the easy gains have been made and bureaucracy sets in.

Adderall helps me with focus and motivation but it makes me feel absolutely not like myself. I've done various drugs throughout my life but the feeling I had on Adderall was honestly downright scary once I had wrapped up the programming tasks I set out to do on it.

Did you feel "zombied-out" -- completely emotionless, staring at a blank wall, like you have your foot on both the acceleration and the break pedal of a car; I felt that way when taking too large of a dosage of certain stimulants.

Some people have goals with their speculation. I assure you many of these people are gamblers, but there are plenty of reasonable folk in the space too. It's just you don't hear them beating the drum as loudly as the naive.

What about coins forked from Monero?

What about other privacy coins?

Are certain cryptographic algorithms going to be banned when used in a cryptocurrency?

These are all loopholes they'd have to tie up if they want to go down that rabbit hole. It will cost them millions of dollars and man hours to stop it. You're baiting the government to play a neverending and increasingly complex game of whack of a mole. It seems like a beyond awful use of tax dollars to me. We cannot let our government get sucked down the black hole of trying to regulate the unregulatable. They need to come up with solutions to co-exist with it, not outright ban it. That will be a disaster in the making on par with the war on drugs.

> Bitcoin and cryptos ought to be banned for good.

Strong statement but if you have a valid argument then I can be convinced.

> Cryptocurrencies are scam and outright bubble that will bring down the world economy.

And that's not an argument, that is purely speculation as well.

> There is no currency without an authority to guarantee its value.

There is now, they're called cryptocurrencies.

> Cryptos are pure bubble.

2 things:

1. What's the difference between a pure and impure bubble?

2. Why is it a bubble?

> If there is any good in this thing, it's ease of transaction, which is a question of underlying technology - it has nothing to do with lack of authority or decentralized scheme that cryptocurrencies tout as so important (and fail to deliver).

? This doesn't seem to mean anything. Please explain?

Playing a videogame competitively to be #1 is well an good. Playing a sport to be #1 is well and good. But it can't be the only thing you do.

Tom Brady has 5 Superbowl rings but he's involved with so many other pursuits that he has a full, rich life. He dedicates himself to educating people about what works for him as far as physical and mental preparation in the most grueling and damaging sport around. Frankly, everyone should try and model their approach to life like his. He has always had to work hard to achieve everything he does. He comes in before everyone, everyday, and leaves last. He's always the most prepared, at anything he does. I'm sure a lot more people would feel fulfilled if they put their efforts into many pursuits like he did.

Unfortunately, society doesn't really allow for everyone to live like this. Financially, we become stuck trying to make ends meet rather than producing what we want to. I'd love to put my time into many other activities other than just "work" and then go home, perform maintenance on my life/home, and then get a small portion of time to game/work on personal projects.

Gaming is a positive life enriching activity if used correctly. It's easy to blow it off because one has an addictive personality, but the advantages are real when approached with the right mindset.

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