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I've run into this before too. As someone who is rather competitive, it's easy to get pretty deep into almost anything that's competition based: Poker, chess, video games, athletics, sports, etc. You have to really make sure you like the activity itself instead of just the competition. It's not worth spending 10k hours on a video game just to be #1 and have that sense of accomplishment, you're going to have to really make sure you enjoy the ride and come out with something valuable instead of just a 10k hour hole in your life. Life has to be based on creating value, and not just competition as a way to pass the time. At least that's the way I'm trying to live my life.

Playing a videogame competitively to be #1 is well an good. Playing a sport to be #1 is well and good. But it can't be the only thing you do.

Tom Brady has 5 Superbowl rings but he's involved with so many other pursuits that he has a full, rich life. He dedicates himself to educating people about what works for him as far as physical and mental preparation in the most grueling and damaging sport around. Frankly, everyone should try and model their approach to life like his. He has always had to work hard to achieve everything he does. He comes in before everyone, everyday, and leaves last. He's always the most prepared, at anything he does. I'm sure a lot more people would feel fulfilled if they put their efforts into many pursuits like he did.

Unfortunately, society doesn't really allow for everyone to live like this. Financially, we become stuck trying to make ends meet rather than producing what we want to. I'd love to put my time into many other activities other than just "work" and then go home, perform maintenance on my life/home, and then get a small portion of time to game/work on personal projects.

Gaming is a positive life enriching activity if used correctly. It's easy to blow it off because one has an addictive personality, but the advantages are real when approached with the right mindset.

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