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With PhoneGap having been discontinued, you'll need to find a replacement when it's time to update your app. Cordova still works great, so you won't have to make a lot of changes.

Have a look at VoltBuilder as a replacement for PhoneGap. It does the same job (or more) and it's up to date.

Disclosure - I'm on the VoltBuilder team (and a fellow Canuck). I'm happy to answer questions.

My team has been working on a modern alternative for a few months now. With a couple months of beta under our belts, we’re ready to go live tomorrow (Aug 11) at noon EST. Our goal is an easy-to-use standalone service. Visit us at https://volt.build to sign up and start building! New signups are free for 30 days.

PS. I've been a PG user since 2010. Many fond memories of the early days!

Hey HN, I’m George and I co-developed VoltBuilder (https://volt.build) with James and Tomo. VoltBuilder is a modern replacement for PhoneGap.

Early in the COVID crisis, I was running out of work and looking for a new project. I saw Adobe was abandoning PhoneGap, a tool used by thousands to convert web apps to Android and iOS native apps. (I’ve been a PhoneGap user for 10 years, so I knew I’d miss it)

I spent a weekend going through the Android, iOS and Cordova documentation to see if it would be possible to replicate what PhoneGap does and give myself and all those users some hope. Reading hundreds of messages on StackOverflow helped me figure out some stuff that is really, seriously not documented anywhere.

By Monday, I had something like a POC working. I checked with my long term collaborators, James and Tomo. They were similarly underworked, so we decided to go ahead with the other 98% of the job to make a working product.

Technologies used include Python, Node, Jekyll, Auth0, Stripe, Cordova, Xcode, Android SDK, Express, Helmet, JWT, Flask, Boto3 and more.

VoltBuilder now has a website, a build engine, queuing and billing. We’ve built the server infrastructure to spin up multiple builds at the same time and are starting to test that.

It’s deployed in beta production. About 50 beta testers have thrown thousands of jobs at it. We’re focusing on building a community to get our first users and gather as much feedback as possible. Pricing is still up in the air, but the pricing page shows where we are heading.

Thank you for reading this far. I would love to get your feedback on VoltBuilder and to answer questions.

Great work! I just wanted to point out that I'm seeing "Plans start at $xx.95/month" on the homepage. Wasn't sure if that's a typo/something you meant to replace.

Plans have not been finalized, so it's a placeholder for now. You can see more here: https://volt.build/plan/

For Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android: check out AppStudio. It lets you code in VB like BASIC. A VB like Design Screen lets you drag and drop visual controls. Output is JavaScript/HTML so it runs everywhere. (Disclosure - I'm on the team) https://www.appstudio.dev/

They're certainly teaching programming to girls. In a country where most jobs are off limits to females, developing apps might be an interesting opportunity.

That's true of any subject. I think it's often more a factor of how a subject is taught than the subject itself. I've seen the curriculum they put together - it's pretty good.

The other side of this is that many kids will now be exposed to this who did not have a chance before. A few of them will discover a new life's passion. We can expect to see some great Saudi programmers in a few years. Education is a good thing.

I quit when it stopped being fun. It had gone public and there were a couple of hundred employees. I was in the office on New Year's Day, celebrating the fact that I had been into work every day that year. I was flying somewhere twice a week, and spent all my time talking to lawyers, bankers, accountants and brokers. Customers only when they were threatening lawsuits. Conflict with another cofounder didn't help. My father's passing was one more message.

I started as a creative person, programming. I realized I had to go back to that to be happy. So I typed an email to my cofounders on the spot. Three days later, I was out of there.

I was fortunate to remain good friends with most of my cofounders and key employees. I've had a blast in the succeeding years - making a better income most years and getting to do things I enjoy. Having time for a great wife and kids makes it even better.

It was the best decision I ever made.

I've had a blast in the succeeding years - making a better income most years and getting to do things I enjoy

Are you saying that you co-founded a startup that went public, grew to a couple of hundred employees, and it wasn't a financial windfall for you? I'm honestly curious if you're willing to provide more details.

Think of a Balance Sheet vs. Profit and Loss. Yes, I had a good base of assets after I left. But after that, I wanted to make sure I made more than I spent. Too many founders get lucky and blow it all. Think about sustainability.

Doing what you want, having no employees, and generating enough income for all your fun is a worthy goal!

I think he's talking about salary, which tends to go up when you're not a major shareholder. They have to motivate you to stay with a higher base pay/bonuses, when they can't trust you to stay because you care for the company.

1964 - my dad taught me programming on IBM EAM equipment. My kids are 3rd gen programmers!

Undocumented feature: If you put _subject into the name property of an input, it will be used as the subject of the email.

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