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Saudi Arabia now teaching programming to all high school students (nsbasic.com)
3 points by ghenne on Dec 9, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Respect they decision . I was grown up in saudi when they was nothing but sand , now they are trying hard to meet the international standards and create new minds , entrepreneurs . Happy to hear such a great news . If you guys need any helping hands to teach students web development let us know .

What about teaching car driving to girls?

They're certainly teaching programming to girls. In a country where most jobs are off limits to females, developing apps might be an interesting opportunity.

I don't think it's such a good idea to require computer programming of _all_ students.

What would it have been like for you, were you required to learn, say, ballet dancing or singing?

Some people don't have the aptitude, some people don't enjoy it.

The only things that should be required, should be knowledge and skills that _everyone_ should have.

Sure _offer_ coding as an elective, but don't require it.

I remember very well, my sister being in tears over the requirement that she learn trigonometry to get into college. She really had no need of it for her forestry degree. She is just as smart as I am, but in very different ways.

That's true of any subject. I think it's often more a factor of how a subject is taught than the subject itself. I've seen the curriculum they put together - it's pretty good.

The other side of this is that many kids will now be exposed to this who did not have a chance before. A few of them will discover a new life's passion. We can expect to see some great Saudi programmers in a few years. Education is a good thing.

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