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This appears to be resolved. AWS posted an update to their status page, which matches some of the observations in this thread about it being ISP-specific:

[RESOLVED] External Connectivity Issues

Between 11:43 AM and 1:30 PM PST some customers may have experienced connectivity issues between an external provider outside of our network and AWS destinations. This issue impacted connectivity originating from California. Connectivity to instances and services within the Region was not impacted during this issue. All AWS Services have been, and continue to operate normally.

from the article:

> Based on the learnings from the Protocol Buffers rollout, the team is planning to follow up with migration from Rest.li to gRPC, which also uses Protocol Buffers but additionally supports streaming and has a large community behind it.

Not only that, but the layoffs actually happened on February 15.

I am a YIMBY who lives in the western neighborhoods of SF and would love to see them upzoned. I always think it's silly that there are perfectly pleasant pre-zoning 5-8 story apartment buildings down the street from my place that would be illegal to build under current regulations.

Do you have stats to back that up? A lot of the recent polling I've seen implies the opposite, especially for younger generations.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of serializing links in the body JSON (i.e. HAL) vs. using the Link header?

This is a good question, and the answer is philosophical purity and pragmatism. Philosophically, some people believe that this information should be encapsulated in the HTTP response body, while others believe that they should be able to leverage all of the parts of the HTTP spec including the response headers. Pragmatically, certain environments make it harder or easier to access certain parts of request and response objects, but the lowest common denominator is the body content.

http://onesocialweb.org/ had the same idea (and a fair amount of code!), although it seems to be a bit dormant at the moment.

finagle-http (https://github.com/twitter/finagle/tree/master/finagle-http) provides pretty much everything you need to build an HTTP web service.

But take a look at the Finagle example from Heroku and compare it to the example from vert.x. There's a lot of boilerplate in the Finagle version because Finagle is a general purpose async service framework, which was my entire point.

Github displays the username/avatar for a commit based on that commit's Author field, not the user that pushed the changes to the repository.

It's more that they display both. Unlike git core, github actually tracks "push" events to branches (git doesn't care, it only sees commits) as distinct from the commits they contain.

So presumably it would have shown the rails developer pushing a change authored by Homakov.

Git has no real way to track that, only commits. We do track it internally, but AFAIK it's not exposed except through post-receive hooks.

ref changes are tracked in the reflog, but the "pusher" (as opposed to author and committer) isn't.

Ok, I see. Thanks!

I just shot you an email, but this seems like a reasonable place to note that my employer (Twitter) is hiring like mad, and we definitely have some big data to work with:


Hmmm... I applied at Twitter and got the coding problem done right. I also contributed to one of Twitter's open source projects, "Snowflake." Either you got to have a great story like this Iowa guy, or hiring at Twitter is broken. :-( This might be my next HN post: "How I Interviewed Great at Twitter but a bad coder got my job."

Maybe the fact that you didn't get hired has something to do with you coming off as a total asshole. What exactly makes you think the OP is a "bad coder"?

Maybe you should write a post titled, "How Twitter Failed to Fulfill My Sense of Entitlement".

Was a grammar test involved, perhaps?

There is likely a minimum technical bar. Meeting it doesn't make you a sure hire.

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