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Really interesting article and unique way to look at programming - never really considered it to be part of pop culture, but it is a subset of it's own and becoming more "mainstream" as more and more technology becomes engrained in our everyday life.

Well done!

Really cool to see these kind of social analytics programs - but how do you compete with Google?

Not sure what you mean here.

Do you mean when will we offer G+ analytics, or confusing us with website analytics? (we measure social media)

It seems the confusion comes from this part of the article:

> "Google started providing real-time analytics to page managers last September."

This makes it sound like Google has real-time facebook page analytics tools, but that isn't the case. Google started providing real-time analytics for websites using its analytics platform. Not Facebook analytics.

What is google doing that is competitive to this?

Paul Graham spoke years ago about the evolution of programming and how the next major shift from HTML style languages would be visual.

Bootstrap started the shift - but this takes it to the next level. Beautiful demo, can't wait to see how this revolutionizes programming and app development.

Thanks Franco - appreciate the words! We have a lot of things planned. We need more feedback from users before deciding which direction to take. Cheers!

Really cool, can't wait to see this evolve.

Great work Alex! This looks very useful and promising.

Really cool visualization - wish it went a step further when you got closer in (trendsmap.com style).

Really cool, but will it over take all those Bootstrap sites?

That person is a genius imo

Does it make me a bad person if I find some of these really funny and creative?

Really cool article - always loved that show "How It's Made" but I don't think they covered this....

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