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Thanks for mentioning this, I'll check out imba.io. Also the essay itself is a classic, I wonder what other new techniques or technologies have been invented that let us beat the averages, other than just lisp, though.

I would wager that the landscape today is a bit of an opposite. The secret sauce today is to reject as much excessive technology as possible while still meeting your business goals. A lot of productivity is wasted on framework churn.

exactly this. Take the time to pick the bare minimum of shit, that let's you get the job done, and stick with it.

I was wondering why the dot product wasn't 32! Good thing I checked. Also this seems like a cool new language, I need to learn a functional language, I wonder how far this language will go in development.

Can you point me to where you find that the left/right division comes from Greece?

There is a Greek paper around this topic which I came across long time trying to answer this very question: https://www.academia.edu/2582910/%CE%91%CF%81%CE%B9%CF%83%CF...

Congratulations to Microsoft, this new management is killer. I wonder who will be first to reach $3T.

Apple has a $222 billion lead so far.

I guess, it'd be whoever that has its merger and acquisition teams in order. Microsoft has ably demonstrated the pedigree to make bold acquisitions, over its long, fabled history.


Not a chance.

As it is, they're incredibly overvalued, even after their fall from almost hitting $1B. At their current market cap of ~$663B, they still have a P/E ratio of over 650. That is absolutely insane.

It is a reflection of very high growth and is being valued using a discounted cash flow model based on expected future earnings. Extremely rational.

Tesla would have to increase earnings by 20x to make their current P/E rational.

And I just don't think that's realistic. At least not within the next 10 years.

Yes, my assumption is they will do that in ~5 years.

Perhaps that's why Michael Burry is shorting it.

He isn’t shorting it. He bought put options around the time it was added to the S&P 500 in late 2020. Probably a bet that most companies have a pop and return to trend period following addition to S&P as well as a bet that interest rates would rise which affects stocks being valued on a discounted cash flow basis.

Ellsberg apparently made contributions to decision theory, I forgot where I read this but this guy has notable qualities other than being a whistleblower.

Just fyi there are non upper caste Indians, I’m Sikh so caste distinctions are forbidden for us. I’m a “Saini” my name is Ricky Saini and I’m not sure this fits with my experience as a lot of the people in my family(who are Indian of course) are not upper caste. I would be shocked to learn if this was true. Just so you guys know the modern Indian community not only Punjabi’s try very cars to be against caste. So don’t think we’re not trying or anything. We try really hard.

I disagree that Taleb is "middle-brow", check out his new technical incerto book, from what I've heard its rather rigorous.

I think my all reasonable estimates, he was a polymath, maybe not on the level of Kolmogorov or something but it's the fact that he died so young, had such immense influence, and worked in so many fields.

By the way, it's alleged by a famous professor(?) and amazon reviewer Michael Emmet Brady that Ramsey in no way "demolished" his theory and that this particular problem has drawn people away from respecting and appreciating Keynes immense work in philosophy of probability

here is the review: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2927587

"An Examination of the Fundamental Reasons Why Frank Ramsey Failed in His Reviews of J M Keynes's a Treatise on Probability"

I disagree with your statement as well, psychedelics have a variety of use cases and the entire experience is difficult to describe, for example take the following statements

"I like the wall breathing" "The wall is breathing"

it is difficult to qualify and categorize whether this is "Escapism" or "Facing reality" this statement and a variety of the subclass of total experiences of mushrooms and lsd at times is that often, it just doesn't make sense, but it can induce profound thought, at least we hope is profound =)

Much love.

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