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I’ve started using zig for some stuff recently and it can include c effortlessly. Also with rust it is pretty easy to interact with c (well, you need unsafe and I guess for this particular case, bindgen would not be able to provide bindings).

I would not reach to c libraries on many other platforms but recently I started using more c, just not from c..

I find this type of writing tiring to be honest.

The subject is interesting enough but I feel like I’m trying to find a recipe in one of those cooking sites also acting as chef’s diary.

The entire point of Aeon is to write "longform explorations of deep issues". Not all--maybe not even most--content exists merely to transfer some tiny bit of information.

The point isn't really the length. It's the overly sentimental tone that blurs subjective perspective and the matter being reported on. There's a point in the piece were the author asserts that everyone in the operating room seemingly stared at each other not knowing why they were there followed by the author fantasizing if the patient may rise from the dead.

That's almost certainly not what happened in the room but is the author blurring his almost literary account with reality. It's a very common almost manipulative style in newer journalism when writers want to contrast their emotional state vs an allegedly harsh reality.

Does this claim to be "journalism"?

The danger of commenting like I did at all is that it's not a universal experience. I found it insightful sitting in an airport killing time. Perhaps consider accentuating the positive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m glad eknkc commented negatively because now I know the sort of article it is and can avoid it. We should not just focus on the positive.

I left my comment when it was at risk of falling off the front page with no comments. Utilitarian, to hopefully see an insightful discussion from those more informed.

I see where you're coming from and perhaps what I meant is something closer to 'build things up rather than tear them down'. You've got two conflicting opinions. Theirs and mine. Inquire inside the article to see which of us is a worthy recommender of casual content to consume on the internet

I think in this case it’s a long-running question of taste. Some people like this style of writing, and some people do not.

You're reading it wrongly, and I say that as one who 99 times out of a hundred has no use whatsoever for the nonsense Aeon typically peddles. This is the exception, even to the repeated fears over AI, which while technologically footless for the foreseeable future nonetheless express something real and worth considering.

We had a site hosted on CF business plan with fairly large bandwidth usage (completely legal, had a lot of media). They approached us with an enterprise plan but we did not have the budget for it.

Asked for a little time, they said fine and we moved much of the bandwidth usage to a couple of dedicated servers on OVH I think.

Never heard from them after that.

How do you deal with DDoS attacks against said OVH servers?

> By default, every OVHcloud product is supported by the Anti-DDoS infrastructure to defend against malicious activity. https://us.ovhcloud.com/security/anti-ddos/

everyone that has used OVH and received an attack is laughing at that.

It's worked extremely well against every single DDoS we've received. I'd rate it as one of the best for the price.

In my experience OVH DDoS protection works pretty well. It's not perfect every single time.

I have more good things to say about OVH then bad. I do wish their edge firewall worked against internal traffic too however.

Can I ask how much bandwidth we are talking?

We are doing about 3TB

This was a couple years ago so not sure but likely 50+ TB/month.

I have been moving 1TB/mo on a free account for personal stuff. So far so good.

I guess if you have a use case with higly cacheable data on edge, it might work great.

For example, a form builder like typeform could cache form definitions on edge and render them close to users. Submissions would require db communication but the entire experience could be better.

Otherwise it is just not worth it.

BTW, I don’t even think PHP running slower in wasm would be that important. These things generally depend on IO performance rather than runtime if you are not doing a lot of calculations on the edge. WASM is also pretty fast these days so..

> WASM is also pretty fast these days so..

ironically everything is petty fast and everyone waste that speed adding things that allow for a cheaper labour. wasm included. it went from a "have some expertly optimized code in the browser" to "just compile this hide cpp thing and ship as a react component" to then "it allows our servers to run any crap without knowledgeable staff in each language"

we added so many Layers to cheapen labour that now all the labour costs goes into managing the Layers.

Ok hear this, I was toying with zig last week and compiled a quickjs wrapper that can run React and compiled that to wasm. So I have a JS runtime running wasm which runs quickjs runtime via zig and that runs React. Just trying to learn zig though but not much different than running PHP in WASM haha. Layers and layers of shit pressed together.

will definitely use it as the wrapper that launches my electron app

I go blind when I look at a lower ppi display at this point. With or without subpixel AA. Weird how you get used to something.

Is this a linux thing? Can’t think of any real issue on mac.

Haven't had any issues on Linux either. I guess ymmv.

Last time I tried an hdpi display on linux it was not good. But that was a couple years ago so I assumed things would probably be much better now. Was curious if it is still bad.

It's slowly getting better, and depending on what you're doing you may or may not run into issues, but it's still leagues behind e.g. Windows 10.

I can’t get up to speed with rust using these kinds of material.

Haven’t looked deeply at this one in particular but they tend to teach you patterns and approaches. That works for a lot of languages. Got into zig pretty fast for example. You can start writing go in 2 days and even if you write shit code at first, it will run.

But I can’t get productive in rust and that kills my enthusiasm.

There is also <dialog> (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/di...) if you want modal dialogs.

And also <details> if you need expanding/collapsing content, or, with a slight abuse, a "dropdown".

Strange that unlike <dialog open> and <details open>, `<whatever popover>` apparently lacks the the ability to be made declaratively `open` using the attribute. This feels like omission to me. I hope there is some based reasoning behind this decision.


Maybe because 'dialog' says "don't do that" but everybody did anyway?

(also possibly because the "insert into top layer" is sufficiently odd a thing to trigger that the designers felt representing it as an attribute was a worse idea than for dialog)

... though I'd really like some sort of explanation as to how to choose between "non-modal <dialog>" and popover because the one thing I am very confident of here is that I don't know enough to answer that question myself.

Yes, it was clarified in a Twitter thread [1].

As I understand the line of thought around modals there it is: If it has to be declaratively opened modal on each page visit, blocking other content, it should better be an extra page anyway. (The fact it is made possible imperatively with JS is considered "necessary evil" as I understand it.) The same presumably applies for popover; default-open popover could probably make sense in application that uses JS anyway, not a static document. (?)

Nuances of distinction between popover and non-modal dialog I have to explore.

[1] https://twitter.com/myfonj/status/1789238215771037836

I'd warn that there's a fair bit of work you have to do to get animations and typical modal behavior working up to the level of modern day expectations. It's completely surmountable but also quite non-trivial.

I don't agree as I have converted all the modals/dialog in my web app to <dialog> and boy it has been a breeze. A few killer features:

- Goodbye z-index, since the last opened dialog always get's promoted to the top in #top-layer [1] - Free focus handling, it doesn't trap focus inside dialog but that's kinda opinionated anyway [2] - styling and animation is EASY with `@starting-style` and `allow-discrete` and can even use view-transitions [3]

Here's a basic sliding in drawer with blurred background I have in svelte:

<style> dialog::backdrop { backdrop-filter: blur(4px); }

/* IS-OPEN STATE / dialog[open] { translate: 0 0; }

/ EXIT STATE / dialog { transition: translate 0.2s ease-out, overlay 0.2s ease-out, display 0.2s ease-out allow-discrete; translate: 384px 0; }

/ 0. BEFORE-OPEN STATE */ @starting-style { dialog[open] { translate: 384px 0; } } </style> ```

Some of the features are not yet available in firefox and safari but they are coming soon and they have minimal workarounds available now [4] for animating `display: none` etc. So, I'd say it's time we retire that quirky UI library's dialog.

[1] https://developer.chrome.com/blog/what-is-the-top-layer [2] https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/8339 [3] https://developer.chrome.com/blog/entry-exit-animations [4] https://codepen.io/kevinpowell/pen/QWaBeGm

As someone pointed out, it's indeed harder to animate but it's fully accessible, supports escape key to close, has a built-in backdrop and has built-in focus trap. Safari took a while to support it but now it's available everywhere. I think it's better than using a <div> tag.

Apparently it's unsupported in the Firefox ESR version in Ubuntu 20.04, which still receives support from Canonical until 2025. I found that out because someone reported that my site didn't work.

This doesn’t sound right at all.

Ubuntu itself doesn’t have an ESR package, only https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/firefox which is at 125.

The Mozilla PPA does have an ESR package, but per https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field... it’s at 115.

<dialog> has been supported since Firefox 98, meaning ESR 91 was the last release lacking it, and it reached end of support over a year and a half ago.

As mentioned in the first few paragraphs of TFA.

I happily pay for YouTube Premium.

I'm unhappy that I'm paying for Gsuite (or whatever it is called these days). I don't think there is a way to downgrade your account tied to your own domain to a free google account? If there is, I'll def do that and. I already use Fastmail anyway but there are too many stuff tied to my Google account (logins, google drive data etc)

Google drive data is probably the easiest part to get out.

I found out it was much more annoying to do the same for google photos. My partner created a tons of albums and last time I had a look at the google export you'd have to build your own parser to scrap the metadata and rebuild the albums locally. I wonder if someone already build this.

This is useful thanks although the goal of this tool is to put all photos in chronologically ordered folders. It doesn't seem to yet be able to recreate albums either by using folders and symlinks or (preferrably) adding tags in the exif metadata.

I'll give it a try with takeout again.

I've used postgresql's jsonpath support to create user defined filtering rules on db rows. It made things a lot easier than whatever other methods I could come up with.

That sounds very interesting. Could you elaborate on that?

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