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Wonder if there's anyone who (1) is reasonably comfortable in some popular programming language(s) and (2) has gone through these exercises could/would share their take on how helpful/useful these are?

Context: I've been doing Java professionally for 10+ years, Python, JS a few years ago, C++ way earlier in my career (early 2000s).

This type of exercise doesn't quite help me. When I was learning Go, I couldn't find one that suited me, so I wrote one as I learned: https://github.com/hliyan/learn-golang/blob/master/day-01/he...

For learning JS internals, I used this: https://johnresig.com/apps/learn/

So, I have a couple CS degrees, but due to a series of unfortunate events, basically 0’d out of industry pretty quickly out of uni, now years ago.

I just went through rustlings, and then this, and found both quite good. Rustlings is a little more gradual, perhaps, but basically just lists book sections to read for each problem set. This has a small outline of concepts for each exercise and is less reading.

I’d recommend either or both…and I found them both to be pretty accessible. Rustling is a slightly broader survey of topics just due to the reading. This is maybe a little quicker to the meat of it.

I don’t think either will give you 100% fluency in the borrow checker, but both will get you close enough to flesh out your understanding afterwards, and to make picking through readings more efficient afterwards.

I can’t get up to speed with rust using these kinds of material.

Haven’t looked deeply at this one in particular but they tend to teach you patterns and approaches. That works for a lot of languages. Got into zig pretty fast for example. You can start writing go in 2 days and even if you write shit code at first, it will run.

But I can’t get productive in rust and that kills my enthusiasm.

I went through zigling variant i did about 90 of the 110 plus after reading the documentation of zig, it helped solidify some of the syntax and concepts. I think it does help reduce what might have been a 3 week process to a 1 week process during the evening learning.

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