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One advantage of the RFID, is that you can modify the ticket while using it. This is actually what made Montreal choose that solution. There's no internet connection to validate the tickets, they just update the ticket to say they are used.

I would have said that make it much more resilient, but I have seen so many buses that couldn't accept fares... I'm not so sure if it's the case.

Are you saying that's the risk of providing the website URL? Or that it's the risk of the HIBP?

Because he does provide the email and the leak name... He even provide indirectly where to download it from his blogpost.

Providing the website won't give more dangerous information, that's exactly what he usually does when it's not a stuffing list, he say where the password come from (Linkedin, Facebook, etc...).

He even pay for the 3D graphics! Essentially he is making ad money, boost his subscribers counts and he is marketing his product sold on the Unity Store.

> And yet his older CJS versions get weekly downloads that are magnitudes higher than the newer ESM versions.

You write this as if that mattered...

Should he only works on stuff that gets more download? For what reasons? He works on what he wants to works on, it's amazing and he is lucky to be able to do it.

> The move that Sindre (and others like wooorm) made has not been well-received

It's normal to be sad to have lost someone that was working on something you needed, but anything else is just entitlement.

> You write this as if that mattered... Should he only works on stuff that gets more download?

It was a statement of fact. You appear to be drawing conclusions that were never hinted at nor implied. It's tiresome.

> It's normal to be sad to have lost someone that was working on something you needed, but anything else is just entitlement.

How and why are you applying entitlement and emotion to a documented statement of fact? Do you need to see links such as [1] to view that as fact? It's one of a myriad. Take your asinine analysis and commentary elsewhere, please.

[1] https://github.com/sindresorhus/meta/discussions/15

> if you have completely free speech your inbox gets spammed into oblivion.

Don't know for your provider, but on Gmail, I click on Spam and there are all there. It's not censorship, it's sorting. I usually go see them once a month, just in case something got badly sorted (it's also quite entertaining to see the scams attempts).

In what world is it censorship to choose to read something or not too? It may be censorship for sure that something is blocked (and still can be argued upon), but choosing not to read crap is not censorship, just like choosing not to read every scientific papers in the world is not censorship…

A camera can easily catch someone with an hammer, it's kind of much harder to go one by one to destroy them that way and it's also probably much more dangerous to try to break something connected to the power lines like that.

This on the other hand is quick, can be done away from the meter, away from cameras, and can reach many meter at the same time. Considering the few terrorist acts that have been done to electricity distributions points, it does seems like a good ways for them to do a big impact easily, with the right antenna and amplifier.. you could do quite a bit of damage.

Their AOT solution was clearly too complex for some potential clients, that seems like the real reason they rewrote it all, support for higher Java version is mostly a neat benefit (though Java 9 did still support Applet from my understanding, just deprecated).

At first glance it seems to only support bitmap? I means it does seems great, but I believe a big part of Flash is the vectorial format, it's not baked into the image, and it does look "good" in many resolutions. You can iterate quickly that way.

They also build their own editor [1] and it's quite good. I'm quite jealous of theses talents.

[1] https://floor796.com/editor/l0

Are you kidding? You definitely don't have an effective tax rate of 48%... Here in Quebec (which has the highest tax rate) that would make you higher than 400k a year... (45% at that point) [1]. You most probably meant marginal rate, and probably live in a pretty high cost area, but still 160k shouldn't stop you from being quite wealthy.

I'm closer to 100k, my SO own a business and make very little money. I rent a 2 bedrooms apartments close to Montreal, I order food regularly, own a Volt and I am currently looking at house 30 minutes away from Montreal. It's much cheaper than elsewhere in Canada though,

[1] https://www.rcgt.com/app/uploads/2023/03/individual_taxation...

FAANG companies like to give compensation in the form of stocks and other "bonuses" which are automatically taxed at 50% regardless of income.

With that being said I did miss speak. It's 42% effective tax rate (with nearly 0 back on tax return)

I can say I definitely dont make anywhere near 400k and idk if you know but Ontario is crazy expensive for everything

It’s still hard to believe you can’t afford a car on that tax bracket.

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