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> And yet his older CJS versions get weekly downloads that are magnitudes higher than the newer ESM versions.

You write this as if that mattered...

Should he only works on stuff that gets more download? For what reasons? He works on what he wants to works on, it's amazing and he is lucky to be able to do it.

> The move that Sindre (and others like wooorm) made has not been well-received

It's normal to be sad to have lost someone that was working on something you needed, but anything else is just entitlement.

> You write this as if that mattered... Should he only works on stuff that gets more download?

It was a statement of fact. You appear to be drawing conclusions that were never hinted at nor implied. It's tiresome.

> It's normal to be sad to have lost someone that was working on something you needed, but anything else is just entitlement.

How and why are you applying entitlement and emotion to a documented statement of fact? Do you need to see links such as [1] to view that as fact? It's one of a myriad. Take your asinine analysis and commentary elsewhere, please.

[1] https://github.com/sindresorhus/meta/discussions/15

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