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I dont agree, there is way more help in terms of writing efficient code today than there was back in time, ive seen horrible code from that time which would not have been produced today.

What we don't teach or reward today is the behaviors and engineering process to write high quality code.

A surprising number of inexperienced developers do the following: "once I get any working solution I should immediately open a PR" and let the senior engineers tell them what's wrong with it.

When the big money leaves this field I hope there will be more pressure for people to adopt good engineering practices. I love to work with folks who put good effort into trying to make high quality changes. Personal initiative and ethics are how high quality software gets written.

Agreed, this has been one of the habits I've had to break during my computer engineering PhD at a scientific research lab. Initially I was just submitting the first solution I came up with without much additional thought.

My senior developer mentors ended up having to effectively rewrite all of it because while it was technically correct and efficient, it broke all sorts of other good practices (eg didn't fit the existing coding style), or added in additional library dependencies without much thought towards long term maintainability and backwards compatibility.

It was taking so much time for the handful of already busy developers to go through my work that I had to learn to slow down, properly study the existing code and think about writing high quality code that fits the existing codebase. They didn't have the time to put down all their other work just to spend hours walking me through improving.

As you mention, it was like with learning art, it's impractical for a teacher to walk you through everything, you have to learn to identify errors and things you need to improve through your own meticulous study, relying on the teacher to give you hints when you're stuck.

You’re right and it’s even worse. Much of the content on “engineering” especially on YouTube teaches resource intensive and overly complex practices sold as good programming. Moving more work to runtime. Increasing dependencies. Relying increasingly on blocking RPC. Wasting memory, cpu and storage.

A rejection of performance and compatibility as the core principles of software engineering in favor of “syntactic sugar” and “idiomatic Haskell”

> folks who put good effort into trying to make high quality changes.

In my 13 years in the industry, I’ve never worked at a place that valued that. More features faster, how many points this sprint is all that mattered. It’s put me off software engineering altogether.

The process you're describing is the exact thing you want to happen: junior developers are trying to learn to write better code. Why should they waste their time researching not their code base when they can instead learn off their code base from people experienced with it?

Because that's what everyone does? You learn by studying other's people work and try to apply it to your own. Painters, musicians, architects, etc … all do it. Why not developers? Instead everyone's rushing to learn React without even knowing the DOM api. Or build a web app with 1000s of dependencies that could be done with a few PHP files. And then they say they need docker and k8s.

The entire debate is over which qualities count as "better". Even "readable" is subjective. Some people love Java with sentence-long variable names. Some love 1-letter vars. Some love 100-deep call stacks, some love flat code. Some love microservices, some love resident call-stacks.

Aesthetics matters.

Which parts are you talking about? On one hand there is more telemetry & tooling to help improve efficiency. On the other hand developers are encouraged to build inefficient applications full of run-time checks, poor data structures and blocking RPC calls .

When I compare apps from 2000 to now it's a general decline in responsiveness and resource utilization.

Its the kids that are being influenced into consuming, nothing else.

yeah nswag has been pretty consistent i can recommend aswell.

Yes that money was not payment but a prop to the artpiece.


The second half of this article explains Amazon's process around metrics, well worth a read:


oh so a working google assistant? :)

Yes, basically. I'm shocked at how bad that is compared to what it could be. If anything, it has gotten worse since introduction.

I think they tuned down the model because TPUs are needed for actual AI work

I feel both things are not really ready for primetime, but i agree AI is way more useful.

Indeed. Crypto when done to its philosophy is to gain financial and market freedom for businesses and people like you and I. Sadly, there's been a lot of co-opting and from that, a lot of uneducated people who will call anything that empowers individuals to be "shady" and "criminal".

Alas, it would appear there are no such things as fundamental human rights, only laws, according to these people.

Crypto is 15 years old and still hasn't provided anything useful for normal people.

The current generation of AI tools is barely a year old and we have seen so much progress.

AI is undoubtedly useful, perhaps not revolutionary as heralded.

Crypto was never anything else than a grift. The only true feature of de-fi is to evade financial regulators, for a time, and enable large scale movements of shady money.

Nice contradiction.

> Crypto was never anything else than a grift.

Ah, alright then, I guess it's not useful for anything.

> evade financial regulators

Sounds useful to me!

> enable large scale movements of shady money.

Large scale movements of money? Super useful!

>> Crypto was never anything else than a grift.

>Ah, alright then, I guess it's not useful for anything.

No. It's a simple English sentence: it means it's not useful for anything else other than grifting. The grifters find it particularly useful, just like MLMs, traditional ponzi schemes, HYIPs etc. But that doesn't mean any of those grifts are "useful".

> Nice contradiction.

Only for the monkey jpeg brigade, who feel that the artificial demand from criminals laundering money and posing as legitimate crypto investors is a feature, not an unacceptable bug.

If the only ones using it are criminals, then it's no longer useful even for them, because the whole point is to claim legitimate crypto profits.

> it's not useful for anything else other than grifting.

I've paid for my domains and vps with crypto, I can pay for my search engine, send donations to non-profits I support, so there's your use case. I don't even have to hand over my personal banking information, so no worrying about data breaches, another use case!

I'm sure you would consider paying for a legal service to be a legitimate use case.

> monkey jpeg brigade

Whoa, name calling, well that always shows the strength of your argument.

> who feel that the artificial demand from criminals laundering money and posing as legitimate crypto investors is a feature

Didn't realize I was a NFT supporter by calling out your contradiction. Oh, and a straw man too, always nice to see. Also, technology can be abused? Who would have thought?

Its a shame that primary users are the criminal masterminds who've apparently become art connoisseurs of monkey jpegs.

I don't seem to remember supporting "laundering money". Do you mean in the same way that banking at HSBC, BYN Mellon, Deutsche, Swedbank, Danke and others is supporting money laundering? [1-6] Or how banking with BoA is supporting fraud? [7]

Although its nice to see that you believe in "legitimate crypto investors".

1: https://archive.nytimes.com/dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/06/30/... 2:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-20/swedbank-... 3:https://www.acfcs.org/news/419424/Danske-Bank-reveals-Estoni... 4: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/09/business/bank-settles-us-... 5:https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/apr/17/deutsche-ba... 6:https://www.investopedia.com/stock-analysis/2013/investing-n... 7:https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/bank-america-pay-1665-billion...

> If the only ones using it are criminals, then it's no longer useful even for them, because the whole point is to claim legitimate crypto profits.

Uh, sure? Sounds good man.

it generally seems to be entirely seperated ive had multiple instances where the ui was slow, but i could easily use the api, i ended up building my own client for funs and its pretty useful now aswell :)

even the laser etcher is a problem :)

I was super paranoid, and bought one of these metal stamping tools(https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZFB5J15), and made my condo neighbors angry for one evening :) but hey, completely airgapped!

it really does, it came up with multiple wrong dockerfiles for me yesterday, but it seems to correct it when you tell it

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