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It's not unreasonable, however 30 days seems a bit on the short side. I have 15+ repos that I'll need to review. Another thing that would be nice is if the affected sites would be tagged in the Netlify dashboard or mentioned in the email. That would make the review process a bit easier

I don't think 30 days are reasonable and our costs would go up 150x! On top of having regular outages over the last six months. Not going to happen. I'm out.

I'm guessing this is why my question about Netlify got downvoted the other day on another post. I was intrigued by the CMS feature, but I am rethinking that now.

I've been working on a platform that allows you to log and track daily events https://www.simplejournal.online/

I've been more focused on collecting rather than processing the data and giving automated feedback, like what you're doing with your telegram bot. I really like that aspect. Very cool setup

Just want to reinforce what others are saying: I visited the site and was intrigued. I wanted to see what the experience was like. So I clicked "try it" but instead of getting to try it, I was presented with a sign-up form.

Would be really great to let people try the experience and then prompt them to sign up to save it.

Thank you for the feedback, that's a good point. I was toying with the idea before but not quite sure what the right approach would be, from a technical perspective. I suppose I could just save everything on a dummy user and clean them up every 24 hours or something. I'll have to look into it.

On the topic of the platform. I started out making it for myself and some friends, with some success. Some time ago I did a Show HN where I didn't get any feedback at all, and since then I've been a bit hesitant to put in any more dev hours. So it's good to hear that you were intrigued

It looks interesting. However, there are a couple of issues here.

- The page is missing even a vague privacy policy. I get it that that might not be a priority when you're just working on the MVP but, IMHO, you should put at least a couple of words on what you're doing with users data.

- There's a single word on the page that says "Encryption" and that's it. This makes me more nervous, not less.

- No information on the company that's selling this.

- No screenshots.

Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I'll make sure to add a privacy policy soon. Basically the email address is just to send you an email in case you forget your password. Content is encrypted using https://github.com/ankane/lockbox default setup I've been considering adding optional end-to-end encryption as well, but am a bit afraid people might lose access to content forever if they lose access to keys. Thanks also on the remark about the company, looking at it I can see how it might be a bit ambiguous. I'll make sure to clarify it further on the about page. Basically it's a company called Unless which is my business entity as a freelancer. I am Lars Böhm, webdeveloper/designer from Amsterdam. If you have any further feedback it is always appreciated, and thank you again

Interesting, would you consider adding a bit more information and perhaps some screenshots on the home page? I don't want to sign up to find out.

Good point, I'll add some photos and a video later this week. There are a few screenshots on Producthunt here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/simple-journal

Hello HN!

I've been working on Simple Journal for some time now. The concept came into being after I noticed more and more people picking up journaling. I became interested in the topic and started to research ways to make it easier to turn journaling into a habit. I'm an avid Duolingo user and I've always been very impressed with how they handle multi day streaks, and in particular, how well they worked for me in making a habit out of using Duolingo. So I added streaks to journaling and that concept turned into Simple Journal. After that I wanted a more granular control over the things I was tracking in my journaling, so I added a way to track and chart various types of activities.

I hope you like it, do let me know what you think.

Looks nice, but the advertisements make it almost unusable on mobile. Although they don't always seem to show up

Pretty cool.

If anyone associated with the project reads this: All of the headings on bridgetownrb.com seem to have a scroll overflow, which stops your page scrolling on mobile.

I'm not doing this on my Android device

You might have an android device wider than 575px, this is the media query that's causing it:

``` @media (max-width: 575px) h2 { position: relative; overflow-x: hidden; } ```

overflow-x:hidden makes overflow-y:auto, which is scroll

Maintainer here: thanks for pointing this out! I was scratching my head wondering why this was happening… overflow: hidden works, but even overflow-x: hidden + overflow:y visible still will create the inside scrolling context. Weird. Anyway, fixed now!

Nice explantation of the topic by Two Minute Papers on YouTube: https://youtu.be/B-zxoJ9o7s0

This article doesn't actually get into what the idea is. Instead, it explains the entire history of the world hoping you don't notice the idea is missing

"Although Goodenough will not spell out his precise new idea, he thinks he is on to something."

This is likely the solid-state glass battery that he filed a patent for last year [0].

Oh, and he did win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019[1].

[0] https://thedriven.io/2020/04/06/li-ion-co-inventor-patents-g... [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Goodenough

Concluding that his existing design is good enough.

that has to be some kind of hat tip from whomever is running the simulation.

I got that impression too, but it does say "But the path he has chosen involves one of the toughest problems in battery science, which is how to make an anode out of pure lithium or sodium metal."

I suppose that implies he's trying to make an anode out of pure lithium or sodium, but you never know with science journalism.

I started baking bread after coming across this article on HN https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22625590 I found it to be a nice, accessible way to get started, with clear and simple instructions. Later on I cultivated a sourdough starter and am using that instead of instant yeast, but still following the same steps. (One learning point that took me too long to realize is that everything becomes much easier if you use high protein flour, more rise. Healthier starter.)

Yes, read up on varieties of flour used by professional bakers and buy some on online instead of your local super market (hint most supermarkets don't even have the right flour). It makes a lot of difference. Alternatively, find some local mill and source from there. It's worth the extra money. Also learn about the different ways flour is processed at industrial scale. Basically bleaching and sterilization are two things you don't want as a home baker. You can make it work if you really have nothing else but why go through the trouble?

Another good tip is to feed your starter with whole wheat or rye flour. It has more nutrition and especially Reye has a lot of natural sugars in it too.

There are a lot of recipes out there obsessing about weights, timings, etc. The important thing to realize is that you need to adjust those numbers to the flour used, the ambient temperature, humidity, the state your starter is in when you start, and probably a dozen other factors. In other words the numbers are not actually that important and you can totally wing it if you know what you are doing.

The importance of measuring is not repeating what the recipe says but doing the same things consistently between bakes and adjusting as you go in a semi data-driven way. In my case, I take 60 grams of starter (which is 50/50 water and flour) and add 70 grams of water and flour to make what is known as a levain (basically a glass of starter that I let ferment on the counter). The rest of the starter is replenished and goes back in the fridge.

The significant thing here is that I end up with a 100 grams of flour and a 100 grams of water. These are just nice numbers to work with when I have to calculate the hydration. That's the only reason for those numbers. Cup measurements are not precise enough, even if you are in the US. Using volumetric measurements for weight has a very high margin of error in a process with a low tolerance for exactly that.

How high you can push your hydration is a function of what flour you use and how much skill you have handling the dough. Too low and you end up with a brick instead of a bread. Too high and you're making focacia instead of a nice puffy bread. This is why you want to get the right flour. It will allow you to push the hydration higher. Also the flavor profile benefits. Good flour makes things easier and tastier.

>Basically bleaching and sterilization are two things you don't want as a home baker. You can make it work if you really have nothing else but why go through the trouble?

Hard disagree. Bleached flour is much easier to work with for the home/inexperienced baker. Hydrates easily, dough tends to be less tacky, better volume etc. It's only when you've got the basics down and want to get into the weeds with details that I'd recommend getting into specialty flours that are less likely to be chemically bleached.

I just got done feeding my first attempts at making a starter from scratch. One thing I didn't realize is how important it is to clean all of the discarded starter from every surface while its still wet. It's kinda messy haha.

Oh yeah that stuff is like concrete when it dries up. Already had to replace my bin. Good luck with your starter, exciting! Mine is a year and a half old now. Amazing how it just keeps going

https://learnprogramming.online/ is a great place to start if you're looking to learn about web development

I'm getting a horizontal scroll on mobile, portrait on a Pixel 3 Chrome. Looks interesting, works well. I think the design could be a bit tighter

Thanks. Will take a look.

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