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This article doesn't actually get into what the idea is. Instead, it explains the entire history of the world hoping you don't notice the idea is missing

"Although Goodenough will not spell out his precise new idea, he thinks he is on to something."

This is likely the solid-state glass battery that he filed a patent for last year [0].

Oh, and he did win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019[1].

[0] https://thedriven.io/2020/04/06/li-ion-co-inventor-patents-g... [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Goodenough

Concluding that his existing design is good enough.

that has to be some kind of hat tip from whomever is running the simulation.

I got that impression too, but it does say "But the path he has chosen involves one of the toughest problems in battery science, which is how to make an anode out of pure lithium or sodium metal."

I suppose that implies he's trying to make an anode out of pure lithium or sodium, but you never know with science journalism.

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