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Yeah... They use to pay 10% of the "bounty" seized. Not sure what the going rate is with the heat now and days. The war on drugs lol.. war on peoples rights. Warrantless GPS trackers, then it was stingrays.. quite an intersting organization. They use some .. unique software. Penlink use to publish their software updates publicly was a good read. (you can probably find it on wayback machine) Interesting software to say the least.. https://www.penlink.com/digital-intelligence-original-work-2...

Ah I see someone is capitalizing on the whole iPhone 15 pro max touchscreen not responsive issue. Kudos to click

Works well. Been using it since beta. I got a memory like a gold fish and this comes in handy.

I appreciate your thinking, unfortunately if it sells well I feel the industry will just do the same thing. Instead of shoe shaped things, we will just have cyber truck knock offs. Which ugh I can’t say I would prefer over what we have now.

Low transaction limits? I regularly send $xx,xxx through zelle. Guess I got to up my game..

At which bank?

The highest available limit I can find is $5,000 per day, and that's limited to private clients and businesses:


Common limits vary between $500 and $2,500 as you can see.

I've never heard of anyone being able to use it to send $10K in a single transaction, so it would be very helpful to know where you can do that.

BofA/ML appears to have default limits of $15k/day for wealth management clients, and $25k/day for private bank clients, though there is a footnote stating that limits may actually be higher depending on the client. So at least for BofA/ML, they seem to essentially make higher transfer limits dependent on how much you're paying them in management fees.

My business account says: "Daily limit: instant delivery $7,000"

Do you have a business account? I have a $1500/day limit. Looking it up it seems like for popular banks it tops out at $2500/day, and some go as low as $500/day.

How privileged is it to say that a $1500 loss is "hardly worth noting"? Median take home pay is under $45k, so that's more than half of the median paycheck gone in a single mistake.

Obviously for an individual person it can be bad, bad enough to cause problems that take months to solve, but not lose your life savings and retirement bad. The report identifies a few hundred million dollars in losses but my point is more that for instance there are single "pig butchering" case losses in the millions (and totals in the billions, which is likely an underestimate because some people feel too ashamed to report to ic3.gov) and not much is being done in the way of educating people on how to avoid being swindled.

As someone that consults in this space I more or less agree with you. Requirements are derived from interpretation of UETA and ESIGN Act. Itext has a good write up and great library to leverage when taking on project like this. Docusign has a good writeup on esign/UETA. ESRA is the goto body on the subject, and if you need legal opinion DLA Piper is the goto in the industry. This stuff is fairly simple once you know it.

rewind.ai has entered chat.

Kali was great, I also remember using ten.net on duke nukem 3D release was a blast. Especially with the “K” trick to see other people screens remotely!

If I was China and I wanted to disrupt Space Development Agency plans over my country (go after and destroy low orbiting satellites). It would make sense to me to strategically provoke my opposition into being the bad guy (shooting down benign low orbiting stuff) setting a precedence so I may be free to "retaliate" with less recourse of public opinion.

WW3 starts the moment China shoots down a whole satellite.

Can see it already. Sounds like a breakthrough in urban warfare. Swarm of drones flying around mapping enemy positions live like a video game. Scary

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