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Good luck with this! Let us know how it goes.

Founders have leverage, because they started the company. If you don't like it, start your own and don't join someone else's.

Where I come from, that's an ultra-liberal point of view. "Instead of saying that Elon Musk does not deserve 68b as a salary (because no human does), then maybe you should become ultra-rich yourself".

Sure. You just completely missed my point.

What did the US foreign policy establishment know about Afghanistan and Iraq than you or I do? Last I heard from reliable sources, Iraq had WMD's and were a clear and present danger? Why not just preempt China's nuclear capability too by nuking them?

> What did the US foreign policy establishment know about Afghanistan

That Osama was hiding there. Which he was, at the time. And that he had carried out 9/11. Which he did.

The Irag and Afghanistan wars were not the same. Practically everyone supported the US in Afghanistan. Practically no one followed the US into Iraq.

I think you are just making a rhetorical flourish, but we should be clear that Iraq didn’t have WMDs, wasn’t an urgent danger, and any sources that said they did should not be treated as reliable.

> any sources that said they did should not be treated as reliable.

American GEOINT, MASINT, SIGINT and TECHINT are likely the best in the world. American HUMINT, OSINT and--somewhat paradoxically--FININT are atrocious. Unfortunately, we frequently ascribe confidence intervals to our clandestine services based on experience with e.g. the NRO.

They might be the best in the world- but it doesn't matter because they don't answer to citizens. I trust that they have good information- I don't trust that good information gets to us, our politicians, etc.

Can't wait for the headlines 20 or 30 years in the future.

A container of Soylent Thincrust, lost earlier during hurricane Harlan, washed up on the shores of Orlando to the delight of the Orange County Non-Denominational Order of Homeless Laborers.

Moon Expedition Returns After 10-Week Mission to Recover Annual Cricket Harvest.

* Insert Neur-anal Link Now to Experience Full Story Details

> Doubtful a TikTok ban would come in the form of banning users from using the app, exactly because that infringes on individual liberties.

have you read the bill?


Getting yourself banned off of Airbnb for $950 doesn't sound optimal unless you are swearing off short term lodging around the world (outside of hotels) for the foreseeable future. That's one of the negative externalities of capture-the-market VC investing - getting banned on one of these platforms cuts you off from almost the entirety of supply because of how marketplace dynamics work.

There are lots of alternatives. Agoda, Booking.com, and many similar sites offer short-term apartment rentals. Also, in much of the world outside the US, hotels are a better and surer bet than short-term apartment rentals.

Look at it like this: Would you pay $950 for the privilege of using AirBNB? I sure wouldn't. An "AirBNB Membership fee" on the order of $950 should seem absurd.

Even in the US, hotels are better and cheaper than airbnbs

For one person maybe. Otherwise not in my experience.

The alternatives are often better than airbnb too.

If a service stole $950 from me, the last thing I would be worried about is getting banned from the service

They would not get a single cent from me for the remainder of my life and in fact I would do plenty of things to cost them business at any chance I will get.

AirBNB is also not the only short term rental option out there. E.g. Vrbo

I would absolutely end any customer relationship with Airbnb for a $950 host scam. If they can’t fix that they don’t deserve your business and you are better off off their platform.

For most people I can't imagine that keeping AirBnB "happy" is so important that you wouldn't try to get $1000 back. But, yes, it's a problem when keeping AirBnB, Google, Twitter, etc. placated requires rolling over.

Maybe your market is different, but Airbnb is hardly a monopoly on either short term housing or vacation rentals these days. The entire travel booking industry has caught up.

Similarly to the OP, both my wife and I had to pull teeth for weeks to get the full refunds we were entitled to after booking airbnb units. We both had dozens of stays and 5 star reviews under our belts prior to those experiences, dating back through 2013. In my case, it was a unit that the host admitted was infested with rats prior to arrival. In my wife’s, it was a unit that didn’t remotely match the photos of the listing.

At this point it’s my very last resort for booking any kind of stay, which is to say I’ve effectively sworn off the service. Since then, I’ve had no trouble finding vacation rentals elsewhere. For $900, yeah, I’d chargeback in a snap.

If this is how the service is going to work - why would I want to be part of it? I'm not interested in playing some VC's network effects game.

The era of free money is over for now, they're going to want business soon.

You assume you have a choice in playing. Most of the supply will never consider listing on multiple marketplaces, because its a massive hassle. $ABNB is up 48% YTD bucking the rest of the market, they have strong financials and are massively profitable. The growth-at-all-costs play DID work, and now you have no choice but to bend the knee. Edge cases like this will never materially affect their business.

> $ABNB is up 48% YTD bucking the rest of the market

Thats pretty cherry-picked, and I wouldn’t look to stock price to make the conclusions you’ve shared. Lots of growth companies are bouncing back after being oversold last year. As another cherry-pick, it’s also down nearly 50% from its 2021 high.

I've never been a host so can't speak for multiple listings, though there seem to be a ton of services that try to market to multichannel listing, so "never" seems a pretty strong word here?

But, if the interwebs are correct, airbnb has 7 mil rentals, booking - 6 mil rentals (vacation specifically, not hotels) and vrbo - 2 mil


whatever advantage airbnb has, they are no longer the only game in town *

* depends on the town

Just have a friend use their account. Or make a new account. Or use VRBO or a number of Airbnb’s competitors. Or use a sock Airbnb account to connect with a host and then negotiate directly.

There was a thread this week (?) about how AirBNB will ban you for traveling with a banned person

Great, maybe they get banned too and it's two less people playing a stupid game. I'm not going to tell anyone else how to live their lives, but cowering on my knees to tech bureaucracy out of San Fransisco is not how I'll live mine.

> how AirBNB will ban you for traveling with a banned person

Why do they need to know?

it was the case when they were the hot new disruptor. By now there are alternatives for house/apartment rentals, so they can't dick around and rip people off like that anymore. They've been called out on "cleaning fees", at some point may be forced to implement a sane cancelation window as well.

I will take $950 to never deal with AirBnB, thank you.

They've stold me up twice, I was left in a foreign city with nowhere to sleep. Host simply didn't show up, didn't pick up, just vanished.

Never again.

never doing business with AirBNB is worth every penny.

I doubt that after such an experience you'll want to use Airbnb again.

Hackernews now advocating for burning books, wow. This is the end result in allowing political ragebait threads instead of focusing on tech and startups.

> Hackernews now advocating


what makes Russian propaganda different from US propaganda?

russian propaganda benefits russia, at the cost of the US.

classic example of moving the goalposts

I haven’t moved anything. You just didn’t know where my goalposts were to begin with.

You guys are going at it like cats and dogs.

yes, saving your comment for later

Literally nobody cares about saved comments. Not even the person saving the comment.

You will have to turn this into a bet with cash on the line if you actually mean it and I think bets are stupid so how about you just stop writing comments like that?

I think it's a performative figure of speech, as if "i disagree with your comment and i think i will end up being right". Not meant to be taken for its literal content

power corrupts

And absolute power corrupts absolutely

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