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Doubtful a TikTok ban would come in the form of banning users from using the app, exactly because that infringes on individual liberties. Ban is being used loosely: it Most likely would come in the form of disallowing direct access, blocking ip ranges, etc, corporate dissolution, blocking TikTok from banking system, or the like. With no penalty for an individual who circumvents TikTok access.

The situation that is most likely is that the government will make it so that nobody really wants to use TikTok anymore, or possibly, that TikTok can't afford to operate in the states.

This sort of stuff the us does all the time (cryptocurrency exchanges, online gambling, porn sites, e.g.).

The us also has a history of redomiciling companies. For example that one time the US redomiciled the entire us operations of a pharma company that was, you know, supporting a genocide.

If some politician wanted to be clever, all they would have to do is say if any company more than 10% owned by a state or with any state employees in management positions sells arms to Russia or Russian countries, then all companies more than 10% owned by that state or with that state's state employees in management positions is subject to sanctions. Kill two birds with one stone.

> Doubtful a TikTok ban would come in the form of banning users from using the app, exactly because that infringes on individual liberties.

have you read the bill?


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