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There have been many times when vim starts glitching out or something because of the terminal emulator I'm using. Even well tested ones like X-term and gnome-terminal. I never had that problem using st.

We hack so much into a text interface it's really easy to accumulate bugs.

I use tmux+emacs inside gnome-terminal for 8+ hours a day.

I rarely (never?) see any "terminal glitching" except for the cases where I've done something absurdly wrong, like running a bash inside emacs-shell with the wrong setting for TERM.

Terminal emulation is essentially a solved problem (state machines and control code sets are small and well defined, there are many reference implementations and compatibility tests). If you see glitching, it's probably from what you're doing inside the terminal, not from the terminal itself.

Have you considered using neovim?

Currently neovim is not even close in stability to vim.

Based on what criteria and experiences? I've been running it for a year with a slew of plugins for example and haven't experienced a single hiccup.

Big part my plugins just do not work still in neovim.

Try spartan way for vim too. Used to have huge list of plugins and exotic vim hacks in my `.vimrc`, nowadays ain't even using plugin manager. `:colorscheme blue` and off you go.

I used st for a good year and it worked really well! I've switched recently for features like the ability to change the font size without recompiling, etc. Despite its spartan feature set, st is quite usable.

You don't have to recompile st in order to change fonts. You can just pass it the -f flag with the font you want to use.

Given their focus on being lean, it's more like SPARTAN!! feature set rather than just a plain spartan feature set. :)

What do you use now? Keyboard shortcut for font size change is a must for me.

"Keyboard shortcut for font size change is a must for me."

From the st man page:

       Alt-Shift-Page Up
              Increase font size.

       Alt-Shift-Page Down
              Decrease font size.

              Reset to default font size.

Some don't read the man pages.

Not sure how I missed that, but it's been a while since I tried St so maybe it wasn't there then.

I use konsole which is better than I found gnome-terminal to be and less klunky than I was expecting

> Using Bitcoin for cybercriminal activities is becoming increasingly commonplace, as tracing payments is much harder due to the way the cryptocurrency works

"Cryptocurrency" is a large set of currencies, each of which work differently. Also, Bitcoin is a public log. It's much easier to trace bitcoin than to trace cash.

> "Cryptocurrency" is a large set of currencies, each of which work differently.

That's true, which is why the sentence you quoted said "the way THE cryptocurrency works", not "the way cryptocurrency works". The "the" is a back-reference to the particular cryptocurrency that is being discussed here (Bitcoin). This differentiates it from a general statement about all cryptocurrencies.

>"[Bitcoin is] much easier to trace bitcoin than to trace cash."

not true if the traders are cautious with their IPs and use bitcoin laundering services so others can't infer from the transaction graph.

You could easily prefix your special environment variable with 'lambdoku_' so you don't have to fear that people could use it..

Keep in mind this was written 8 years ago and last updated 4 years ago.

This is so awesome! I now am a lover of islands :D

I found this super interesting and great 'hacker news' - any idea why it was flagged?

People might be interested in this one too - got a weird name, and it's still under development, but it seems pretty good http://www.vim.org/

Really, this is more like [NeoVim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim), in the way it's structured and with its aim to rebuild its namesake in a modular fashion with swappable UIs.

As an old prgrammer feeling the limit of neuron counts and possible premise of alzheimer, I avoid tools where you have to know by hart all the commands or have to read a long help text to find what you need.

I use vim as editor for system files, but I only use the 1% of its capabilities I really need. All these shortcuts make me sick because I can't remember them and can't easily find them. That's also why I don't like Atom, sublime, Visual and all that kind of editors. I'll give a try to this Lime editor.

The best IDE around, in my humble opinion, is QtCreator because the interface is remarkably simple and intuitive. I regret no one tries to copycat this one.

Vim is a language, not a bunch of commands to remember. A sufficient vim user would probably be unable to tell you how exactly they accomplished something.

I gave QtCreator a try just a couple of weeks ago actually. I wanted to give qml a go and expected this to be where it shined. But the create project dialog wouldn't fit on the screen and the create button wouldn't enable for some reason (possible something off screen).

> But the create project dialog wouldn't fit on the screen and the create button wouldn't enable for some reason (possible something off screen).

This really reminds of using KDE3.x & QT in general a decade ago or so :)

I never encountered it with KDE, but I always ran it on the standard 15 inch monitor of the day.

For a bit more about what flukus mentioned with regards to vim being a language, not a bunch of commands, see e.g. http://yanpritzker.com/2011/12/16/learn-to-speak-vim-verbs-n...

NeoVim is quite interesting. You can use it with other editors, like Github's Atom: https://github.com/carlosdcastillo/vim-mode

Video demo: http://youtu.be/FTInd3H7Zec


There's no difference

Why do you all rely on oil? Just use batteries...


I think it's important to note that they are not "replacing fossil-fuel electricity generation with lithium-ion batteries".

They are putting fossil-fuel supplied electricity into batteries to use at a later date.

The biggest need for storage is to offset the intermittency of solar and wind, and to help shift peak solar generation (typically 12-2pm) to match peak demand (typically 4-8pm). Reliable and affordable storage is a prerequisite to wide scale solar and wind generation.


Sure you want to smooth out intermittencies, but this plant is way too tiny to actually store energy when it's windy and releasing it when it's not. It's more likely to handle peaking on a minute-by-minute basis.

Considering that a single big wind turbine produces 8 MW, this 80 MWh storage facility can only store 5 hours of production from two wind turbines!

And one of those turbines only costs about half of the Tesla storage facility.

Chicken meet Egg, we have to do both things does it matter in what order it is done. Oil can be stored in a tank, renewables really are playing catch up in terms of storage.

This is a great step forward for getting off oil.


Thermal power stations (oil, coal, gas, nuclear) cannot start up or shutdown quickly so they have to run enough to meet peak demand 24/7. Lots of energy is wasted in the small hours.

Sure - but I think alternative source folks are excited about this because at scale batteries allow solar and wind to be used to power larger swaths of the grid more dependably. That's a pretty exciting concept.

That's 99% true, but Southern California also has periods of time when there's too much _solar_ power and they need to take some solar systems off-line!

(See http://www.vox.com/2016/4/8/11376196/california-grid-expansi...)

This may alleviate that problem

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