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People might be interested in this one too - got a weird name, and it's still under development, but it seems pretty good http://www.vim.org/

Really, this is more like [NeoVim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim), in the way it's structured and with its aim to rebuild its namesake in a modular fashion with swappable UIs.

As an old prgrammer feeling the limit of neuron counts and possible premise of alzheimer, I avoid tools where you have to know by hart all the commands or have to read a long help text to find what you need.

I use vim as editor for system files, but I only use the 1% of its capabilities I really need. All these shortcuts make me sick because I can't remember them and can't easily find them. That's also why I don't like Atom, sublime, Visual and all that kind of editors. I'll give a try to this Lime editor.

The best IDE around, in my humble opinion, is QtCreator because the interface is remarkably simple and intuitive. I regret no one tries to copycat this one.

Vim is a language, not a bunch of commands to remember. A sufficient vim user would probably be unable to tell you how exactly they accomplished something.

I gave QtCreator a try just a couple of weeks ago actually. I wanted to give qml a go and expected this to be where it shined. But the create project dialog wouldn't fit on the screen and the create button wouldn't enable for some reason (possible something off screen).

> But the create project dialog wouldn't fit on the screen and the create button wouldn't enable for some reason (possible something off screen).

This really reminds of using KDE3.x & QT in general a decade ago or so :)

I never encountered it with KDE, but I always ran it on the standard 15 inch monitor of the day.

For a bit more about what flukus mentioned with regards to vim being a language, not a bunch of commands, see e.g. http://yanpritzker.com/2011/12/16/learn-to-speak-vim-verbs-n...

NeoVim is quite interesting. You can use it with other editors, like Github's Atom: https://github.com/carlosdcastillo/vim-mode

Video demo: http://youtu.be/FTInd3H7Zec

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