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If all you do is push it onto google index and no other marketing, it will take 1 or 2 years to get to 10 people a day. My blog has been going for more than 10 years and gets about 10 people a day at least consistently. There are a few pages that rank very well on the search engine and drive 99% of the traffic. Its seems that they value being the first one to write about something ALOT as that is the only thing I can see special about those high traffic pages. pretty much everything else gets zero.

First one in terms of I wrote about a very common error on K8s but I just happened to be using a bleeding edge version so I was the first to write about that specific error.

First one to write about an AWS feature because I found it in API by chance and it became GA weeks later (I guess they were waiting for the initial roll out to complete before posting Geoff's blog).

Interesting! Roughly speaking how many articles have you published on this site?

I have taken a look at the protocol between the software and the display and it is straightforward to hack, but the docker image is lightweight and reliable enough that I don't see the need to.

I have the same thing, gitlab job scheduled every 12 hours refreshes it using the visionect docker image, I have google calendar at the bottom, and currency exchange over the top left, localized weather on the right, countdowns to holidays, F1 schedules ect... I decreased the heartbeat timer and battery lasts about 2 months. I can't find an asian or european news paper that gives a good high res front page like the NYT. Waking up to read the US centric world view of the NYT gets old and the headlines are not so entertaining anymore without trump. Let me know if you find a more global news source that has a good high res reliable front page dump without advertisements. There has only been one time where NYT had on the front page over ~2 years and that was some fake diamond company took out the entire front page.

Maybe set your calendar back 50 or 100 years and get NYT from the archives? Image quality might be just as high.

Would be good to be able to build one from Google News.

The latest post seems to show the oldest post sometimes


Most popular posts is one an AWS X-ENI and the EMC VNX hacking and the Z16 Thinkpad review

- https://blog.cetinich.net/content/archive/2017-aws-xeni/ - https://blog.cetinich.net/content/2022/2022-lenovo-z13-z16-g... - https://blog.cetinich.net/content/archive/2015-emc-vnx-hacki...

But I like my real adventure where I got trapped in my car next to a leapoard, maybe everyone will find it boring but there is a terrible video I took with proof.

- https://blog.cetinich.net/content/archive/kruger-stuck-overn...

The AWS Python SDK team is no longer planning to support the resources interface in boto3. Requests for new changes involving resource models will no longer be considered, and the resources interface won't be supported in the next major version of the AWS SDK for Python. The AWS SDK teams are striving to achieve more consistent functionality among SDKs, and implementing customized abstractions in individual SDKs is not a sustainable solution going forward. Future feature requests will need to be considered at the cross-SDK level.

Sphinx and ablog hosted on cloudfront/s3 using disqus for comments not that anyone comments anymore. They used to when I ran it on wordpress long ago. My setup is described here https://blog.cetinich.net/content/2020/2020-sphynx-ablog-blo...

It’s just rst so keeps it simple and updates are easy, I have a gitlab that will trigger a content refresh on push so updates are zero friction which gets all the ugly stuff out of the way of just writing.

I bought a new Z13 which is a Ryzen, I still have this issue on Windows I called up support to complain that the machine is boiling hot every morning when I take it our of my brief case. They sent a tech to replace the motherboard. Still have the same issue, not sure if I should bother calling them back. Luckily I also purchased the battery warranty (expecting this issue as I had a HP and a Thinkpad which had the same issue and I suspected it was a Windows issue) as I am sure this is destroying its life.

Does anyone remember eucalyptus ? what happened to them?

They rebranded: https://github.com/corymbia/eucalyptus#readme but development is either happening "offline" or they've stalled development because https://github.com/Corymbia/eucalyptus-blog/blob/master/cont... is the most recent blog update

It's also a beast to even compile and package, to say nothing of actually deploy

Self hosting is cool, but if you actually want people to find your content my experience is that search engines will penalise heavily your ranking for being hosted off a residential IP that’s is not close to them and likely has a history of being unreliable. Unreliability and slowness both from the network latency and page rendering time (Wordpress doesn’t render so fast on a pi - at least when I tried it) will put you all the way to the bottom. If you don’t care about that then this is just fine, depending on what I am hosting changes where I put it, but stuff I want to be findable I host in cloud front/s3 as static pages and costs about $1 a month.

These are my notes on setting that up http://blog.cetinich.net/content/2020/2020-sphynx-ablog-blog...

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