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I have the same thing, gitlab job scheduled every 12 hours refreshes it using the visionect docker image, I have google calendar at the bottom, and currency exchange over the top left, localized weather on the right, countdowns to holidays, F1 schedules ect... I decreased the heartbeat timer and battery lasts about 2 months. I can't find an asian or european news paper that gives a good high res front page like the NYT. Waking up to read the US centric world view of the NYT gets old and the headlines are not so entertaining anymore without trump. Let me know if you find a more global news source that has a good high res reliable front page dump without advertisements. There has only been one time where NYT had on the front page over ~2 years and that was some fake diamond company took out the entire front page.

Maybe set your calendar back 50 or 100 years and get NYT from the archives? Image quality might be just as high.

Would be good to be able to build one from Google News.

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