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Glimmer intro video, https://youtu.be/i2rwIApjz-4?t=175 might have some answer for you.

> Sure. Or you can use the included lightning-jack adapter and just use normal, un-DRM'd headphones.

What prevents Apple from obsoleting the adapter in the future and making analog jack incompatible with lightning jack?

The desire to keep customers, perhaps?

Competition. I bet you Apple wanted to sell that adapter as premium addon, but because of the angry folks talking about it for a while now due to rumors, they decided to include that adapter with each phone.

Well, if that happens (and it's unlikely), then it'll be time to express such concerns. But not now.

Yeah, why should we assume that a company that has a history of making unnecessarily proprietary equipment would do so again in the future? that'd be absurd, right?

The argument I am disputing is that Apple is removing possibilities and connection adapters, not adding them.

They could certainly disable it with an update.

"Look at all these new great features you get with this update! Oh, btw your old, obsolete headphone jack won't work with this version anymore... but look at all these new great features! It's entirely your decision, but don't you want all these great new features? Oh btw, here's a voucher for a discount on these awesome new air bud 2's!!"

When have they ever done that before? Everything is within the realm of possibility, but just because someone has the technical ability to do something doesn't mean they will.

How does this work in winter?

You would need to either locate it in a greenhouse, or just shut it down over the winter by harvesting fish and plants, and letting the water drain away instead of into the fish tank.

I was coming here to ask that. If this were in some sort of greenhouse would this be sustainable for years at a time, or is it more designed to be something you start up each spring?

Also, may have missed it, but do you plant the seeds right into the sand or sprout them first somewhere else? (I know basically nothing about gardening, sorry)

Great idea, and very tempting when I get into a new house.

Yes, my vision is for every house to have a food-grow room, just like most houses had root cellars ~100 years ago. I really like Ceres greenhouses (http://www.ceresgs.com/), as well as Open Building Institute's aquaponic greenhouse (http://openbuildinginstitute.org/buildings/#greenhouse).

The easiest way to get started is by planting the seeds into the sand, just push them in with your finger. I did plant sprouts in about half of each veggie bed, but I had to wash dirt off their roots, which really put them into shock.

> every house to have a food-grow room

The climate in our house varies so much that we need a heater in the winter and a cooler in the summer to keep it habitable. An additional grow room for plants would require the same and the cost would seem to outweigh the benefits, although I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.

Check out the Ground to Air Heat Transfer tech in the Ceres Greenhouses link. It acts as a temperature stabilizer while using very little energy.

Those are some amazing links. Definitely some inspiration for the future. I could definitely see this getting tied into a system like in the second link, with compost and chickens, and all that.

There's a YouTube channel "Bigelow Brook Farms" where the broadcaster designed and built a geodesic dome greenhouse (lots of passive solar) and does year-round aquaponics. I think he lives in Delaware or somewhere in the NE USA, it definitely gets cold there. He has 4-5 years worth of growth in this greenhouse and lots of lessons learned. I recommend it if you're interested in the topic.

Thanks for the link. I was searching PadMapper site for the story.

Is it just me who shuddered every time when council leaders asked those completely off-topic idiotic questions? Free wifi, really?

In traditional banking, UX is an afterthought but from what I see, for BankSimple, banking takes the backseat but UX rules. I say this coz there's no details on FDIC, interest rates, etc. IMO, instead of doing Banking; they can sell their product to banks

"BankSimple account plus BankSimple debit card replaces your existing personal bank account. Make deposits, withdraw cash, pay bills, earn interest, and more.

However, BankSimple is not a "bank." We partner with chartered banks who provide FDIC-insured products, leaving us free to concentrate on designing the complete consumer banking experience, via the web and your smartphone. "

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This is a sad news for consumers and AT&T's competitors especially smaller players like Sprint

May be I'm missing something here; Why there's even a discussion about RAID at the EBS level? When Amamzon says, "Amazon EBS volumes are designed to be highly available and reliable" and if we have to talk about RAID then the issue is on Amazon's end

I think most people are doing RAID-0 to get more perf out of EBS volumes

It also seems that in 2008 adding mirroring also hurt performance. I'm going to dive into this tonight to see if things have changed at all with these benchmarks.

"His results show a single drive maxing out at just under 65MB/s, RAID 0 hitting the ceiling at 110MB/s, RAID 5 maxxing out about 60MB/s, and RAID 10 “F2″ at under 55MB/s."

Summary source: http://www.nevdull.com/2008/08/24/why-raid-10-doesnt-help-on...

Data source (google cache): http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Vscz-VX...

Yes. Except, anybody who is doing RAID-0 over an EBS volume for perf reasons is ASKING for trouble.

You need to do RAID-10. EBS volumes CAN and DO fail.

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