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Ask HN: Who is behind padmapper?
4 points by bluegene on Aug 12, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
I loved this site when I was searching for an apartment. I'm curious to know who is behind it

Hey, one of PadMapper's users told me this was here. Glad it was helpful!

EDIT: And by that I mean samstave told me this was here.

Just wanted to say that I have used it with success and passed it on to others. It is solid. Love it.

Awesome! I love hearing about people actually getting places as a result of using it (and doing a lot of legwork, obviously). That "x people found places using this" is something I don't get to see in Google analytics. Thanks for letting me know.

This is a google search away..come on people... http://valleyloop.com/2010/10/11/qa-with-founder-of-padmappe...

Thanks for the link. I was searching PadMapper site for the story.

I IM'd him with this thread to see if he wants to come ping you...

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