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I fully support this! Nomad has a much smaller API surface compared to Kubernetes, at least by default. Expanding Nomad is also much more straight forward.

When I think of hobby projects to have over my summer vacation, I'll make sure to get back to this list! All of these really trigger my curiosity.

Is there any risks of nodes assigning same IP if there's no central DHCP?

Firstly, normally nodes base their automatic IPv6 address on their MAC address, so there will be no conflict between these, since MAC addresses are supposed to be unique to the hardware. Otherwise, it’s a random 64-bit number (actually a few less bits, but not many). It’s very unlikely a collision will happen. And even if it does, there is a protocol (Duplicate Address Detection) to detect it, and avoid it.

The current state has those two items flipped: Randomly-generated IPs is normal, and MAC-based IPs is the exception. https://www.internetsociety.org/resources/deploy360/2014/pri...

Right, thank you for the update.

Personally, I don’t feel the need for privacy at this level of the protocol stack, and if I did, I would not consider IPv6 Privacy Extensions to be adequate. Also, I might like to keep TCP connections alive for more than a day. Therefore, I personally prefer regular MAC-based SLAAC, or even hard-coded addresses, over randomized and rotating addresses.

Unlike in IPv4, in IPv6 there is a lower risk of nodes assigning the same IPv6 address if there's no central DHCP. This is because IPv6 uses a unique interface identifier (IID) that is automatically generated by the node based on its MAC address and a random value. This makes it highly unlikely that two nodes on the same network would generate the same IID and therefore, the same IPv6 address.

For some time now, it's not unusual for systems to have multiple, publicly-routable IPv6 IPs. Right now my macOS system has four randomly-generated IPv6 IPs, which are being used for internet traffic. New IPs are generated regularly, and old ones eventually get removed.

And thanks to Duplicate Address Detection, before a new randomly-generated IP is used, a check is made to ensure it is not in use by someone else.

Don't worry coz DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) will come to your rescue :p

Not if you don't have same MAC in the network .

SLAAC reserves bottom 64 bits for autoconfiguration, and while incredibly wasteful it does ensure every MAC can have its own IP address

You can generate sqrt(2^64) random suffixes before the probability of collision becomes significant. That number is in the billions for a single /64 network.

In other words, no.

1. FastAPI (Python) or Axum (Rust) for back-end, deployed on Fly.io.

2. Supabase for Postgres and Authentication.

3. Astro as a framework for front-end, deployed on Vercel, running in Hybrid mode.

With all of these in-place, I can extend my existing components to accommodate any needs. It scales very well in the beginning as I move very fast, and anecdotally scales very well regardless of size.

The only missing parts here is support for timed jobs, but that can probably be done with Fly.io machines in the future.

My previous employer is one of the biggest game providers (in terms of daily users) in the world, and we ran a incredibly stable infrastructure based on VMs running on KVM with a home-built bash script to deploy our application servers everywhere.

Every bare-metal server is essentially setup identically using Saltstack, and then each virtual machine is setup identically on start as well. This allowed us to spin up, down or replace 1, 10, 100, 1000 stateless VMs for each game in a very short time period, with all the servers having identical configuration and deployed on.

Databases also have a similar setup, though a lot more complex as they are stateful and cant be removed with short notice. Stateful workloads are really hard and require more domain knowledge than a java application, so we decided to not virtualize the user-critical databases and keep them as they were to not embrace the complexity.

This is exactly what I have been looking for! Thank you so much.

I've recently discovered together with my psychologist that I am "suffering" of something along the lines of ADHD. This includes selective memory (only remember what I focus on remembering), missing social cues and feeling overwhelmed if I have to suddenly do something I did not expect.

I've just started my journey in figuring out how I can live my best life, so I hope this way of creating repeatable checklists can help me on the way.

I find these tools work great until you "cave" and ignore it.

Like I had a reminder app, worked great for 2 weeks until I ignored it one day. Then it became easy to ignore.

I find this true for every brain hack I've found. It works until my brain realizes it doesn't need to listen.

I don't want to use drugs for ADHD. Especially after seeing my uncle ruin his life over the course of a decade. Productive, excelled, drug addiction, stagnation, collapse. I'm glad he drunkenly told me to stay off it.

I had a teenage diagnosis. I went off it because of the same drunken-misinformation and stigma. 5 year dark age. Went back on it, I was suddenly MUCH more able to build the SLEEP, DIET, EXERCISE loop I need. Going back on my meds, after educating myself properly about them, was one of the best decisions of my life.

ADHD prescriptions are the first line of defense. This is simply a fact of medical science. Executive Function disparity is the result of a chemical imbalance. Receptors for dopamine and Norepinephrine in the ADHD brain are oversized, which ADHD medications correct.


I was spreading misinformation about the "drugs", when truly they are the proper accommodation and treatment. They are not "meth", they are a therapeutic dose which do not directly stimulate but rather correct a hormonal and neurological imbalance which I require to maintain my executive function and the Sleep, Diet and Exercise which all together healthy accommodate my needs.

Your self-determination is your own and I so I only ask that 1) Inform yourself, don't take your uncle's word on it. 2) I implore that you reconsider spreading the harmful idea that ADHD pills are bad, which can only make us ALL worse off.

Separate, but just as important: Drug User stigma is also terrible. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is Connection. Healthy Bonds. (https://youtu.be/PY9DcIMGxMs)

Written with sincerity, and frankly, tears in my eyes. It's a topic I've got a lifetime of experience with, and we must break this cycle of stigma.

I don't think you should take medical advice from an alcoholic.

It's unlikely that your uncle's life was ruined by ADHD medication.

I bet alcohol and other recreational drugs had more to do with it.

About that last sentence, drug use was probably a symptom and not the underlying cause. It seems more likely that he had some psychological issues that he didn't seek help for and tried to self-medicate with alcohol.

People with ADHD who medicate are less likely to suffer from drug addiction than the general population, not more.

Yeah, we’re more likely to forget to take medication than to get addicted.

Take a look at Habitica. Free, usable as an SPA or natively on Android or iOS. Replaced 2,5 apps for me.

I really want to like habitica but the game loop doesn’t quite hook me like it should.

I've had an on-again-off-again relationship with Habitica. Having other party members really helps with motivation. However, I fell off once our party lead stepped back and quests stopped.

I did use it while ignoring the game part for a bit. It was still useful, but I did just end up forgetting it later.

Ex-Habitica user here. The accountability element broke me. I quit in shame when I couldn't keep up with my clan members without burning myself out from too little sleep and having too much on the list.

I've personally found if I end up ignore it, it simply wasn't the right tool for me.

I hope the app can help :) If it helps, my experience with ADHD is its such a broad umbrella term that often crosses with other disorders. It's also something that everyone has varying degrees of. Focus on specifically what you need to improve, and don't worry about defining it. I think simply accepting something is overwhelming is often a big step in reducing it's impact on you.

Also take a look at “due”. It gives you the option to “snooze” task alerts. This is an extremely beneficial feature if you have memory/attention issues.

I use Habinator.

It's not just a checklist but works as one as well.

Habit apps are definitely the closest thing I've found.

A comment from the CEO Miki Kuusi (translated from Swedish):

This financing was about to make sure that we have the capacity to do long-term investments i all our countries, including Sweden, without having to do an IPO (go to the stock market).

Source: https://digital.di.se/artikel/finska-wolt-tar-in-4-miljarder...

Exactly this. Wolt is such a great experience compared to Foodora, Uber Eats etc here in Sweden. Time estimations are most often spot on if location is no more than a few kilometers away. Recently they started supporting real pictures of dishes, rather than the fake hamburger or pizza banners in other services.

My previous employer is a major gaming/media company and they don't run Kubernetes and largely (almost completely) no containers either. Focus is on uptime and profitability and it has really paid off!

Care to explain what that means?

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