In other words, who runs operations at a scale where distributed systems are absolutely necessary, without using any sort of container runtime or container orchestration tool?
If so, what does their technology stack look like? Are you aware of any good blog posts?
edit : While I do appreciate all the replies, I'd like to know if there are any organizations out there who operate at web scale without relying on the specific practice of shipping software with heaps of dependencies. Whether that be in a container or in a single-use VM. Thank you in advance and sorry for the confusion.
We use Nix for reproducible builds and deployments. Containers only give reproducible deployments, not builds, so they would be a step down. The reason that's important is that it frees us from troubleshooting "works on my machine" issues, or from someone pushing an update somewhere and breaking our build. That's not important to everyone if they have few dependencies that don't change often, but for an internet company, the trend is accelerating towards bigger and more complex dependency graphs.
Kubernetes has mostly focused on stateless applications so far. That's the easy part! The hard part is managing databases. We don't use Kubernetes, but there's little attraction because it would be addressing something that's already effortless for us to manage.
What works for us is to do the simplest thing that works, then iterate. I remember being really intimidated about all the big data technologies coming out a decade ago, thinking they are so complex that they must know what they're doing! But I'd so often dive in to understand the details and be disillusioned about how much complexity there is for relatively little benefit. I was in a sort of paralysis of what we'd do after we outgrew postgresql, and never found a good answer. Here we are years later, with a dozen+ postgresql databases, some measuring up to 30 terabytes each, and it's still the best solution for us.
Perhaps I've read too far into the intent of the question, but maybe you can afford to drop the research project into containers and kubernetes, and do something simple that works for now, and get back to focusing on product?