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No, and it feels unlikely that they will either.

For RDBMS we typically consider millions to be tiny to small. A billion is somewhere on the boundary of medium to big.

Traffic on I-10 at Arizona state line is 31k vehicles per day, with peak hour being 4.3k vehicles per hour. Assuming 350Wh/km, 120kW average charging rate and 90% utilization 3.2 charger stalls per mile per 1k vehicles/hour are needed. Or putting it differently, a 100 charger site with 12MW of power every 5 miles.

Is that peak for a normal day, or for Thanksgiving weekend?

    SELECT date_bin('5 minutes', log_time, '2000-01-01') log_time,
           AVG(value) avg_value
    FROM logs GROUP BY 1

A comparable product from Cerebras is rumored to cost around $2-3M.

That's not the motherboards fault, the PCIe controller is on the CPU and needs to have corresponding I/O pinout on the socket. And even from the CPU manufacturer side, it's not artificial market segmentation. The I/O die alone on an EPYC/ThreadRipper Pro is more than double the die area of the CPU, GPU and I/O chips in a Ryzen 7 7800, and it's on a single chip which makes yields way worse. The socket and package need 1700 connections in one case and 6000 on the other. The high I/O CPU is way more expensive to manufacture, and on the lower end the prices start at ~1k for 512 GB/s of full duplex PCIe bandwidth and 12 memory channels.

For well scaling workloads optimizing for efficiency is optimizing for performance. For serial workloads even one P-core is enough. There aren't too many workloads in the middle that scale but only to a few cores.

Networking doesn't have to have high latency. You can buy network hardware that is able to provide sub-microsecond latency. Physical distance still matters, but 10% of typical NVMe latency gets you through a kilometer of fiber.

Nice, I hacked together something similar many moons ago, it looks like some fine folks have kept on maintaining and improving it: https://github.com/fschulze/sqlalchemy_schemadisplay

Useful to have in a CICD pipeline so you always have an up-to-date schema diagram available.

Cool, I'm surprised I couldn't find this when I was looking for something like this originally. Probably because I was using different terminology-- "data model" instead of "schema," and "visualize" instead of "display".

Is there a reason why this is implemented in Rust instead of plpgsql? At first glance I didn't see it using any features that would need a loadable extension. Plain SQL based solution would make using it on managed database services much easier.

It probably could be implemented as pure plpgsql for some of its features (basic send/receive). The long-term plan is to add additional message type support (protobuf, msgpack, etc), embed a metrics exporter (prometheus?), push notifications, and. for those we want to pull in Rust modules from open source. I bet the project could be refactored to expose the parts you're looking for as plpgsql though.

Distribution of Postgres extensions is a challenging problem that we're working on over in https://github.com/tembo-io/trunk // https://pgt.dev/. One of the goals there is to make it easier to install extensions.

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